Monday, February 19, 2018

Out of the Blinding Darkness

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light.
Isaiah 42:16

Craig had been lost for hours when he saw the light in the distance. “Finally!” he uttered in relief. A wildlife photographer, he had set out that snowy morning following fresh elk tracks, hoping to get some good photos. The animal had entered the dark timber where the snow wasn’t as deep.
In dark timber, things are a lot closer, trees are only feet apart, and landmarks appear the same in every direction. Taking a new compass reading, he set out. As he continued trailing the bull, he encountered other tracks. It became harder to distinguish the original trail. He decided to take another compass reading before continuing on. That’s when he realized his compass was gone! Somewhere in the heavy brush, it had been torn from his pack!
With fading daylight, the elk was forgotten; finding his way out took precedence. He walked for forty minutes as his anxiety mounted. Then he saw a light in the distance. Heading toward it, he found a hunting cabin. After a short explanation, the cabin owner said he knew exactly where Craig was parked. Thirty minutes later, he deposited a weary and grateful Craig at his vehicle.
Craig had been four miles off course. Had the man in the cabin not lighted the lantern, Craig would have had to rely on his wilderness skills for survival. During daylight, he might have been able to backtrack. But in the dark, with failing light, he would have been forced to spend the night where he was, so he didn’t stray even further off course.
We can lose our way spiritually and get caught up in things that appear innocent and harmless. In the midst of our hunt, we can become lost. It’s only a step or two farther into the dark timber. Without a spiritual compass, we can die. Thankfully, God gave us the Holy Spirit as our compass. But it’s our responsibility to take frequent readings to assure ourselves we are on the right path.

“Help me see Your guiding light when I stray, Lord. Please point me in the right direction when I get off track. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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