Saturday, February 24, 2018

Poor by Choice

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3

This soon-to-be mother made up her mind and walked into the hospital. This is the right choice, she told herself. She’d recently been downsized out of a job and her medical benefits. Thinking only of the baby, she stepped to the registration counter and said, “I’m in labor. I’m not due for another two weeks, but my water broke about an hour ago. I have no insurance and cannot promise you when, but I will pay for this somehow.”
The receptionist called for the doctor on call and had a nurse assist the young woman to an exam room. “Have you had any prenatal care, hon?” the nurse asked. “Oh, yes,” she answered with a shy smile. “You see, I only lost my job six weeks ago, and the coverage just ran out. I couldn’t afford to pay the ongoing premiums.” With a smile that said she understood, the receptionist chuckled and said, “We’ll worry about the bill later, hon. For now, let’s concentrate on bringing your child into the world. We have programs that will help, so don’t you worry about that right now. Have you picked out names for the little one yet?”
The self-sacrifice of motherhood wasn’t lost on the receptionist. She’d raised four of her own. This young girl was putting the needs of her unborn child ahead of her pride. She instinctively understood that self-sacrifice is the cry of a mother’s heart, an ingrained willingness to put her children ahead of herself.
Being poor in spirit is not about financial destitution; it’s about making the choice to go without for the sake of another. We are constantly faced with this choice during the course of our lives. We can choose to allow pride and fear to tell us, “Take care of numero uno!” or we can ask for kingdom eyes to see the true needs around us, to look at others with spiritual discernment and concern, to be poor in spirit for the sake of another.

“Father, help me fight the selfish desire to meet my needs ahead of those less fortunate. Help me to see where I might be able to make a difference in someone else’s life today. In Jesus Name, amen.”

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