Friday, November 2, 2018

Absolute Rebellion

The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished.
Numbers 14:18

Joe was still fuming about what just happened when Kathy, his girlfriend, climbed in the car. “I’m done with them,” he asserted, “and their closed-minded religion. It’s old school with obsolete morals. This is the twentieth century for God’s sake!” He slammed his fist against the steering wheel.
Kathy tried to assuage his smoldering anger. “But it’s what they believe, Joe. You may not adhere to their faith anymore, but surely you can understand why they said no. I do.” Kathy was speaking to the point of Joe’s contention. Joe’s parents believed sleeping together outside of marriage was a sin and had just refused to allow Joe and Kathy to stay the night sleeping together under their roof. The night had immediately deteriorated as Joe had stormed from the house with Kathy apologizing before catching up.
Joe said, “No! I don’t understand! Christianity is archaic! Times have changed! Can’t they see that?”
Kathy was concerned this fallout might place a wedge between Joe and his parents if he couldn’t come to grips with this.
As it turned out, Kathy’s concerns were well founded. They broke up shortly thereafter, and it took seventeen years before Joe darkened the door of his childhood home. Even then, his visits were overshadowed by an awkward civility. Joe held himself at arm’s length while his parents continued praying for him, hoping the Light of Life would pierce the darkness their son was walking in.
In a world where increasingly liberal philosophy has no patience for, understanding of, or care to know why moral absolutes matter, we find rebellion against God on the increase.
Satan and his angels devise schemes to advance his kingdom through moral corruption, sexual perversion, deception, and a myriad of other forms of evil. Still in possession of their power, malevolent angels attempt to destroy God’s creation (Romans 11:29; Ephesians 6:12).
As slow as God is to anger, He will be swift to judge those who die in their rebellion! There are absolutes. We will all be judged accordingly.

“Lord, in this ever darkening world, help me live a life of righteousness. Give me courage to stand against those who rebel against Your decrees. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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