Saturday, November 10, 2018

Change Bait

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19

Marvin was ready to bait his hook. “Toss me the dough ball, would ya, Duane? I think I’ll try to catch a few catfish.”
Duane retrieved the jar of thick paste from the tackle box, tossed it to Marvin, and remarked, “I’m gonna see if I can catch a few bass before I join you in bottom fishing.” He reached back into the tackle box and grabbed a top-water plug, attached it to his line, and began casting.
Poppers, as they’re known, are a perfect late-evening bait for large-mouth bass. The fish see the plug jump across the water and identify it as a frog or some other water-skipping prey. They strike with extreme force, making an exciting experience for the angler (unless they’re not biting).
An hour and zero bites later, Marvin decided to try his luck at cat fishing. “Must not be a bass for twenty miles,” he proclaimed. “Otherwise, my stringer would be full!”
“Riiight.” Marvin dragged the word out, letting Duane know he wasn’t buying his rhetoric. Then he decided to tease him a little. “And you know that how? Oh, yes,” he snickered, “I forgot. You are such a legend in fishing circles that the fish just can’t wait to jump on your hook!” He ducked as a piece of dough ball came flying his direction.
Fishing for men can be frustrating at times too. We might cast and cast and cast only to come up empty. Perhaps we’re using the wrong bait.
Men, like fish, aren’t always attracted by the same bait. For that reason, we must be willing to change bait.
Accomplished anglers constantly test different baits, always looking to find which bait works best at any given moment. They will change lures all night long in an effort to find just the right bait. And when they do, they have great success.
And so it is with fishers of men. They must be willing to change bait when one isn’t working.
There are different ways to present the gospel, and being willing to change our approach will result in catching more men for the kingdom.

“Lord Jesus, teach me to expand my casting techniques. Show me what bait will work the best in each situation. Amen.”

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