Thursday, November 22, 2018

Upside Down

You turn things upside down, as if the potter were … the clay!
Isaiah 29:16

Driving home from a business trip, Kathy noticed that some of the billboards and bumper stickers she saw shared a common theme. As the theme sank in, its message disturbed her: “Save Our Planet. Stop Off-Shore Drilling!” and “Save A Tree—Kill A Lumberjack!” one proudly proclaimed. “Animals Have Rights—Spay or Neuter Your Vet!” They were all geared toward elevating the earth and its creatures to the top of the world’s to-do list. These special interest groups were out to save everything but humans.
Kathy decided to document as many of these “counter-humanity messages” as she could during the remainder of her trip. In all, she compiled over one hundred and fifty pro-planet billboard and bumper sticker slogans.
Upon returning home, she decided to do an Internet search. Typing in the words “Save the Earth,” she was astonished to find over sixty-two million listings!
Investigating further, she found that many groups received some form of government funding while their Web sites listed numerous ways one could contribute to their efforts. Millions, if not billions, of taxpayer dollars were being used to fund the efforts of their “planet above people” campaigns.
With startling clarity, Kathy realized Creation had been turned upside down in light of God’s commission to Adam: “Fill the earth and subdue it … rule over every living creature.”
While I believe ravaging our planet and cruel disregard for animal welfare is not what God intended, He left no doubt as to which has dominion and is meant to survive.
Since the fall in the garden of Eden, Satan has done his best to deceive us. Special interest groups are one form of deceit that is gaining popularity in today’s worldview market. They are more concerned with our use of resources and animal rights than with genocide, tyranny, or starvation. They elevate the earth and its creatures above God and the needs of humanity. This is exactly opposite the commission given in the garden.
In a world where many no longer consider God our Creator, it is reprehensible, yet no surprise, to find creation being elevated above the Creator.

“Creator of all things, forgive our ignorant pride that causes us to disregard Your commands. Cause us to repent and once again worship the Creator instead of creation. Amen.”

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