Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Be an Encourager

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
Hebrews 10:24

Bill had a knack for getting the best out of anyone he met. He ascribed to the theory that you will always find what you look for. So he looked for the good in people and helped them maximize their potential.
Watching little league practice with Jay’s father, Bill remarked, “Ya know, Joe, I’m thinkin’ Jay is gonna make one heck of a shortstop!”
Joe smiled and nodded, “I’m a little prejudice, but I believe you’re right.” It felt good having someone with Bill’s baseball savvy speak well of your son.
Just then the coach called the boys in. As Jay passed by, he looked into the stands and caught Bill’s ‘two thumbs-up’ approval. He beamed as he headed into the dugout.
“You and Lenore have done a good job with that boy, Joe,” he said, paying Joe and his wife a well deserved compliment.
“Thanks, Bill,” he said, pleased with the remark. “He’s a good boy, well-mannered and willing to work hard. Why, he even asked if he could come with me to work this summer!”
“He’s gonna make some woman a good husband some day,” Bill said in response to Joe’s comment. They both shared a laugh, knowing that that day was still quite a ways off.
Bill’s philosophy was that there were only twenty-four hours in a day, and he was charged with using them wisely. He figured there was no better way to do that than to help others find their maximum potential, and help them achieve great things. The best way he knew to do that was by pointing out their strengths, and encouraging them to build on those things. He had a way of seeing the good qualities in others, and was committed to telling them he noticed.
God wants us to make the best of each opportunity to sow seeds of encouragement. We will always see what we’re looking for in others. Make a difference in someone’s life, look for the good and be an encourager, spur someone to great things!

“Father, help me to be a blessing in the lives of those around me. Show me other’s strong points so I can encourage them to refine and grow those attributes. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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