Saturday, July 6, 2019


Be strong and courageous…for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

As Mr. Croskey related his harrowing story I was amazed at the calm in his voice, “Have you ever seen that TV show, Deadliest Catch,” he asked? I nodded that I had. “Some of the shows were shot in the North Atlantic,” he said. “It was 1940. Our Third Infantry was headed for France by way of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The wind was up and the seas were rolling at about ten feet. Then, all of a sudden, these forty footers came up outta nowhere.” His voice showed no sign that he’d experienced fear; he simply related the details of the event. “The Skipper turned that boat into the waves and said over the intercom, ‘Grab hold of something men…we’re in for a bit of a ride.’”
“Some of the men didn’t handle it so well,” he chuckled, and continued, “…especially when the stern popped outta the water! Why, that huge propeller spun so fast it shook the whole boat as if it was comin’ apart!” he laughed. “It was a wild ride, it was. Beat us up for the better part of a day before we made Halifax. Never forget somethin’ like that, you don’t,” he said.
I just had to ask the obvious, “Were you afraid?”
“You know,” he smiled, “I knew God was there with me, and that I had nothin’ to fear. Besides…” his smile widened, “times like that let you know you’re alive!”
God called Joshua to be strong and courageous. Not because Joshua wanted to be, but because circumstances demanded it.
Likewise, our courageous service men and women are called to face circumstances that demand they rise to the occasion. Hopefully, like Mr. Croskey, they enter the battle knowing that God is always with them, watching over them like He did Joshua.
Our freedom was not, nor will it ever be, free. A high price is always demanded. The next time you see a veteran, take a moment to say, “Thank you for my freedom.”

“Father of courage, may I never forget that You are always with me. Thank You for the strength to face the trials of life. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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