Sunday, July 21, 2019

It’s Wasn’t Me

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”
Acts 3:6

Everyone in this group knew who Bart was. He had been born with CP and had never walked. So it was no surprise that Larry’s story met mixed reactions.
“You prayed and laid hands on Bart, and he walked?!” Evan said, amazed. “Awesome!”
“You really expect us to believe that?” Keeran asked.
Larry remained unfazed, “Why do you find it so hard to believe?”
“You’re talking about a crippled man walking because you touched him! What makes you so special?” she demanded.
“Nothing. Nothing at all,” Larry said. “It wasn’t me who healed him.”
Keeran jumped on that, “Did you or did you not say that you laid hands on Bart?!”
“I did,” Larry calmly answered. “I sensed God asking me to…so I did. But I was just the vessel, nothing more. The Holy Spirit healed Bart.”
“I still find it hard to believe,” Keeran muttered.
“That’s okay, Keeran,” Larry said. “In a few minutes you can see for yourself.” And ten minutes later, Bart walked into Larry’s house!
Had Peter, John, and Larry not been sensitive and obedient to God’s leading, the men in today’s text and story would most likely have died lame. Instead, they became walking testimonies because despite what some would say, God is still in the healing business.
But even many who do believe feel like they’re not ‘holy’ enough to ask for such a monumental request as witnessed in today’s text and story. Or they feel like there is something they must do or say to affect the healing. Hence, laying hands on the lame to walk and the blind to see is not a common occurrence.
The truth is we, like Peter and John, have nothing to offer anyone but our obedience to God because we, in and of ourselves, cannot heal. But when we are sensitive to God’s leading He moves in power. All God is asking for is our obedience.
Would you take a chance and offer someone in need your obedience to God?

“Jehovah Repheka, God of healing, give me the courage to reveal Your desire to heal the lame and infirm. Make me sensitive to the needs of those You want to touch. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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