Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Go and Live Like It!

For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.
Hebrews 8:12

Lloyd was the Director of a 'Young Adults Program'. One of his favorite teaching methods was the use of word pictures, a practice that caught and held the attention of his students.
Yesterday, Lloyd had directed his students to dress in formal attire when they came to class today. Unsure of his intention, they nonetheless showed up in suits and dresses. As they entered, they each received a small scroll.
The lesson today was on letting go of past mistakes. Lloyd instructed his students to write their deepest regrets and past transgressions on the scrolls and then tie them back up.
When everyone was finished, Lloyd had them pile into the school’s bus for a trip. Their destination turned out to be a funeral home. When they entered there was an empty casket at the front of the small chapel. Lloyd preached a message on forgiveness, and then instructed his students to pass by the casket, and drop their scroll in, signifying the death of past sins. He then had six young men carry the casket to a waiting hearse. They proceeded to the cemetery, where Lloyd performed a graveside service. At the conclusion Lloyd said, “The past is dead. As of this minute, life begins anew. Go and live like it!”
Isaiah 43:18 and 19 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” God, in essence, says, “I have given you a clean slate!” His deepest desire is that we reach our full potential as godly children. He wants us to understand that He is not mad at us, nor disappointed. All toddlers make mistakes, and need guidance and direction. God is actually contemplating our future, watching each step with the wisdom of an understanding Father.
But if Satan can keep us focused on our sins we will never feel worthy of reaching for the brass ring with Jesus.
The truth is all our mistakes, past, present, and future, have been atoned for (Hebrews 10:10-14). Go and live like it!

“Thank You, Jesus, for cancelling out my sin. Thank You, Father God, for giving me a clean slate. I accept these truths! Amen.”

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