Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Eye of the Storm

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.
Mark 4:39

For various reasons, many had chosen to remain behind and ride out the storm. Yet as Katrina bore down on the gulf coast, those who had stayed were questioning the wisdom of their decision.
With wind and waves battering their house, the Cullison’s were wishing they’d left when their neighbors had. But it was too late; storm surge blocked the evacuation routes. They were destined to see this through to the end.
As the driving rain beat upon their shuttered windows, one thought became apparent; this was going to be a long day. Around 11:00am the wind abated, the skies cleared, and they ventured outside for a look. The eye of Katrina had arrived.
The destruction was incomprehensible. Complete homes were gone; debris and wreckage littered the neighborhood. Only the fact that their house was situated on a low hill had kept the storm surge from their doorstep.
Knowing this respite would be brief they checked the exterior of the house and then returned inside to await the arrival of the back wall of the eye, and the rest of the storm. It was remarkable how such peace could exist in the midst of such fury.
The storms of life come with and without warning, beating relentlessly upon us. But, like the eye of a hurricane, there is a place where the winds and the waves are held at bay.
Jesus’ words brought peace to a perilous situation…and the hearts of His disciples.
In the poem, ‘The Eye of the Storm’, the author writes, “…the waves may be mountains, the fields battle planes, and the earth be immersed in a deluge of rains, yet the soul stayed on God may sing bravely it's Psalm for the heart of the storm is the center of calm!”
Our refuge and peace are found in the Person of Jesus Christ. For when our eyes are on Him, we are resting in the eye of the storm.

“Lord Jesus, speak to the winds and the waves in the storms of my life, and bring peace to my heart. Amen.”

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