Friday, August 9, 2019

Remembering God!

The men of Ephraim…turned back on the day of battle; they did not keep God’s covenant…They forgot what he had done…
Psalm 78:9, 10, 11

These neighborhood parents were tired of burying their children. Drive-bys and drug-deals-gone-bad had taken too many lives. Organizers of the community’s ‘Block Watch’ assembled for one specific purpose: to keep the drug dealers and gangbangers out of the neighborhood.
But gang members and dealers paid little to no attention to block watches. They presented little more than a sign decrying the community’s disapproval. They knew that people were afraid to take an actual stand. Sure, they’d holler from their porches and make threats, but nobody wanted to face-off against them. That is, until Jamal moved into the neighborhood.
Jamal Bennet was a godly man, a peace-loving man. But when God asked Jamal to move to Garland Heights and take a stand, Jamal moved. He understood God was calling on his experience for the purpose of setting this neighborhood free…he knew how to stand. He’d stood on the wrong side of this issue for years. But when God got hold of him things changed. Knowing how gangs operated, Jamal would move into a neighborhood, organize and teach its citizens how to stand in battle. With God’s strength and guidance, he’d cleaned up six communities.
There are some who run to the battle when all others are running away. These are people who have a deep understanding of Who their strength comes from, and what their future holds. Having been given freedom through Christ, Jamal had made a decision to use his past in God’s service, showing people how to be set free from tyranny. He could stand in the face of true danger because he stood in God’s strength instead of his own. He had a history with God; one he could call on in battle.
Each of us has at least some history with God. He wants to use it to encourage us when times get tough…for us, and those He would send us to. If we keep His commands and remember it’s God Who delivers, we will never need to run from the enemy.

“LORD God Almighty, remind me of Who You are, and help plant my feet firmly in the direction of the battle. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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