and Impersonal
Do not be surprised, my brothers and
sisters, if the world hates you.
1 John 3:13
Rich had made an honest mistake…he’d
thought he had until midnight tonight to pay the past due
balance on his utility bill. But he’d gotten his dates mixed up by
one day. That mix-up had resulted in interrupted service for failure
to make payment.
Now, trying to rectify the situation,
he listened as the third service rep he’d spoken to explained the
company’s new policy for the umpteenth time.
Rich’s heart rate steadily increased
as he did his best not to take his frustration out on the woman on
the other end of the line. “Look, I understand what you’re
saying. But I’ve been a loyal customer for more than eight years.
Doesn’t that count for something?”
“I do apologize,” she offered. “But
this new policy won’t allow us to restore service until the entire
past due amount is paid.”
Rich lost the battle with holding his
frustration in check, “So what you’re saying is you don’t care
how long I’ve helped keep you in business, you’re going to hold
me hostage until you squeeze more money out of me!”
“I really do apologize,” she said,
actually sounding sincere. “But that’s the new policy. Mistake or
not, we cannot restore service until you pay the bill in full now.”
Hanging up in defeat, Rich audibly
asked, “So, LORD, what am I supposed to learn
from this lesson?”
In his spirit he thought he heard,
“This is the way of the world. It is cold and impersonal. Your
service to me has no bearing on how the world treats you.”
Although today’s scenario is not life
or death, it is nonetheless exasperating for those who have
experienced the frustration of finding themselves doing business with
someone who is trained not to allow personal feelings to interfere
with business. It is a representation of how the world operates
today…cold and impersonal. We can no longer expect cooperation
where leniency may be justified.
Jesus said to those who follow Him,
this is to be expected. So when it happens to you, and be assured it
will, don’t be surprised.
“Father, help me meet
this kind of treatment with an attitude of grace. Help me see and
deal with the world in light of eternity. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”
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