Sunday, September 1, 2019

Keeping Watch

Be on guard! Be alert! ...keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back… If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping.
Mark 13:33, 35, 36

Tom watched as Warren grabbed his lunch pail and headed for the factory door following the ‘Shift’ whistle that signaled the end of the workday. That man definitely knows when quitting time is. What Tom didn’t know was that Warren worked a second job as shift supervisor at a warehouse across town. Appreciating Warren’s situation, and his strong work ethic, the owner of the warehouse allowed him to start his job a half hour later than normal. Having just thirty minutes to travel the ten miles between locations, Warren kept close track of time.
A second fact Tom wasn’t aware of was that the employees Warren supervised took advantage of his absence during their first half hour of work by lounging around in the break room. A couple of them brazenly used the time to take a nap.
So they were shocked when, today, Warren walked through the door fifteen minutes early, catching them lounging around instead of stocking orders!
Warren had suspected something of the kind and had made special arrangements to leave his factory job early to confirm his suspicions. The lazy employees were given a written notice and warned that any further abuse of company time would see them losing a week of work without pay.
Jesus’ words in today’s text are not a suggestion. He speaks them with the ring of warning…because being asleep at His return will cost us more than a written notice in our employment file. Unfortunately, most of us don’t think He’s coming before we lay our head on the pillow tonight.
Belief in Jesus’ warning is paramount to resisting the temptation to fall asleep spiritually. This truth can only be confirmed by being in relationship with the One Who spoke the words. So how do we remain spiritually alert when weariness threatens to shorten our attention span? By keeping watch with Jesus each and every day.

“Holy Spirit, help me remain alert and watchful. I want to be wide awake when Jesus returns. Fan the candle of my heart into an eternal flame! In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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