Don’t be
afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.
Luke 8:50
Waiting for Joey, and his fiancée,
Sarah, to join them for church, Matt was getting anxious. As he
looked toward the door for the umpteenth time someone motioned to
him. As he approached, the man said, “There’s been an accident
out front…”
Time shifted into slow motion as Matt
approached his son’s mangled vehicle. Joey had blood running from
his ear, but was alert and coherent. As Matt looked across the
vehicle at Sarah his breath caught. An EMT was calling for ‘Life
Flight’, “She’s got internal bleeding and probably won’t make
it.” But Matt heard God say, “Just believe, Matt.”
It was evident Sarah’s leg was badly
broken. Twisted 180° behind her, her foot was in the back seat.
Unwilling to yield to the EMT’s fear-filled statement Matt called
friends to stand with him in prayer.
He then placed a call to a life-long
friend who was a surgeon at the Medical Center where Sarah was being
transported. The friend, in turn, contacted the top orthopedic
surgeon on staff, asking her to perform the surgery. Following the
procedure the surgeon spoke to the family, “Someone’s been
praying for Sarah. I expected to spend at least two and a half hours
repairing damaged tissue and arteries, but there was no damage to
repair. I’ve done literally hundreds of these procedures and have
never seen that severe a fracture not leave significant lacerations.
It’s a medical miracle.”
Three days later Sarah walked into her
house without the aid of crutches.
In today’s text Jairus is distraught.
Beside himself with fear, he pleads with Jesus for his daughter’s
life. En route to her they are interrupted by someone else looking
for healing! We can only imagine the turmoil in Jairus’ heart;
Don’t stop now! My daughter is dying!
Fear also wanted space in Matt’s
heart. But he chose to believe God instead of listening to the EMT’s
negative report.
God’s desire is that we trust His
report instead of the World’s. That’s not always easy when fear
is clawing at our heart. But it is possible. When the world proclaims
devastation and destruction, refuse to listen, and take your need to
God. He in turn will say, “Just believe.”
“Lord Jesus, give us the
courage to believe Your report in spite of what we hear and see.
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