Thursday, October 1, 2020

Awaken the Dawn

I will awaken the dawn. I will praise you, Lord…for great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.

Psalm 57:8, 9, 10

Sitting in the pre-dawn woods, Eric and Corey anticipated the morning’s hunt…and the display they were about to witness.

As the sun began its ascent in the southeastern sky mute colors began to trace their way across the horizon. First to appear was a deep purple, barely noticeable through the trees. With just enough clouds in the sky to receive the tints and hues of a Mid Western sunrise, the hunting partners watched the day begin. The parade of color was captivating. Each passing moment brought subtle, almost imperceptible changes. Shades of pastel light began appearing as if they were being painted on a canvas: cobalt blue, lavender, pink; all mingled to create a celestial pallet. Moments later, burnt umbra began spreading tendrils of brightening luminescence north and south, inching higher in the sky.

Finally, as the golden sphere of the sun peeked above the hills, the lighter blue of daylight began to bring definition and detail to the woods. Shadows were chased into hiding. Animals that had been moving under the cover of darkness were now visible.

Corey and Eric began surveying their surroundings, grinning at each other with a knowing smile. They’d shared enough sunrises to know what the other was thinking: What a way to spend the morning!

There are few things that rival the magnificence of a sunrise when viewed from nature’s vantage point. Witnessing such splendor from introduction to finale is God’s visual utterance of Paul’s verbal declaration: For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities…have been clearly seen… Romans 1:20

Sadly, many of us regard the freshest part of the day as but the beginning of another struggle; we can no longer see the beauty of God’s “Good Morning!” Numb to His greeting, we lose the ability to be moved and lifted by such a display, above our struggles, giving us a better position from which to gain perspective for today.

If you’ve missed today’s sunrise do your soul a favor…get up early enough to bear witness to Tomorrow’s.


“Lord, teach me to see things as You see them. Open the eyes of my heart and bring a fresh perspective to my day. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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