Thursday, October 29, 2020

 What’s the Difference?

Keep your servant from willful sins.

Psalm 19:13

“What’s the difference if I make a mistake once in a while?” Jean asked. “I mean, it’s not like I did it intentionally, you know … ” Her voice trailed off.

Her argument sounded good, but Carolann knew the truth. “You know as well as I do that it matters. And you know why. You knew that what you were doing was wrong, yet you chose to do it anyway. That’s a choice, not a mistake.”

She continued to correct Jean in love. “Making an honest mistake is one thing; blatant disregard for moral and ethical standards is another.”

Jean bristled at Carolann’s words. “I’m not perfect like some people I know!” she said, angry at having been rebuked when she’d shared the confidential information on her own. “I didn’t have to tell you, ya know,” she insisted. “God’s not going to strike me down because I made one mistake,” she challenged defensively. “And I am better than I used to be.”

“No, He won’t. And yes, you are growing. But remember, God knows what’s in our heart when mistakes are made. More than that,” Carolann emphasized, “being a Christian means we’re supposed to look and act differently than the world. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Jean acknowledged. “If it’s any consolation, I didn’t get any pleasure out of it anyway,” she admitted sheepishly.

“You asked, ‘What’s the difference?’ The difference is, when Jesus comes into our life, sin no longer has the same appeal. And once we begin to live for Christ, we begin to look and feel different.”

God’s instruction leads to life. Yet our moral consciousness is flawed and imperfect. This means we can sin without understanding it is sin. However, there are times we knowingly and willfully go against the nature and will of God—sins of commission.

Unless there is a change of heart, there will be no discernable difference in how we feel toward sin or look to the world. Giving our lives to Christ does not mean sin no longer exists in our lives. It means when we sin, convicting discomfort sets in, and we have another choice to make.


“Father, show me the sin in my life. Give me a heart of discernment that I might not sin against You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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