Sunday, October 11, 2020

 Words of Life!

The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.

John 6:63

“Mom?” Steph said, calling for her attention. “Jesus said that our flesh counts for nothing and that only the Spirit gives us life. Then He said the words He spoke are spirit and life. Is He referring to the written word alone? Or do His spoken words have more meaning for us?” Steph had been given a religion class assignment to explain what spiritual life meant to her. She’d focused on the New Testament, the red-lettered spoken words of Jesus, to be more precise.

“Well, what do you think He’s saying?” her mom prompted, wanting her answer the question for herself before she received any outside influence.

“I guess I think it’s a combination of both,” she said with a tinge of unresolved doubt.

“So why do you feel He meant both?” Mom asked.

“Well, first of all, I believe He’s talking about the natural life versus the spiritual life, specifically, eternal life versus eternal damnation. And that if we rely on ourselves for all the answers, we’ll become introspective and self-deceived by thinking we can walk through life apart from God without any need of a Savior.” Then she added, “I believe when we speak God’s written word, it comes alive, you know, sharper than any two-edged sword. So what do you think?” she asked.

“Sounds to me like you’ve got things well in hand, honey,” Steph’s mom said, noting the twinkle of satisfaction in her daughter’s eyes.

How many times have you read, read, and reread the same verse of Scripture only to have it jump off the pages in one blindingly revealing moment? Everyone who has ever been a student of Scripture will have this phenomenon occur many times over his or her studies of the Bible. It is the inherent Word of God, our lifeblood, which the Holy Spirit opens for our understanding as we prayerfully read. God intended us to study His Word in order that we would, through that nourishing act, receive the life of the Spirit.


“Lord, reveal spirit and life to me as I read Your written account of the story of Your love for me and all mankind. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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