Friday, April 30, 2021


The Tale of Two Stories

Like one who grabs a stray dog by the ears is someone who rushes into a quarrel not their own.

Proverbs 26:17

How do you know if you should or shouldn't intervene in someone else’s affairs?” Brennan asked.

God used two events to teach me this lesson," Dillon laughed… the memory of the first event as clear as the day it happened. "I lived beside three brothers. Their cousins lived up the street. One afternoon one of the cousins made a derogatory remark to one of the brothers…it led to blows. As everyone else stood by, letting them pound on each other, I decided to step between them and break up the fight. They kept swinging at each other, and I took a major beating. They, on the other hand, had relieved their frustration and were content to let bygones be bygones.”

“The other occasion was something much different.” Dillon’s face turned serious… “I was sitting beside a couple in a restaurant, when all of a sudden the man began cussing at his wife and drew back his fist, meaning to hit her. I instinctively reached out and grabbed his wrist, stopping him mid-swing.”

A light came on in Brennan’s eyes as Dillon continued, “Holding his wrist, I quietly explained that men do not hit women…nor disrespect them in such a manner. Suffice it to say, he didn’t share my philosophy. I later learned that he had done this before and no one had ever confronted him. I guess he must have figured that if no one was going to stop him he would continue using fear and abuse to control his wife.”

It is ingrained in men to ‘save the day’. God created us to protect the weak and those less-able. Yet, it is foolish to assume that every quarrel requires our personal intervention or involvement.

In one of today’s examples there is no question as to whether intervention was advisable. In the other it appeared to be the right thing to do, and resulted in an unnecessary beating.

When faced with this dilemma, godly wisdom is required to achieve a beneficial outcome. So, whenever it’s possible, don’t assume that your action is required. Inquire of the Lord before taking action.


“Lord, in times like these, give me the wisdom to know whether to walk away or take action. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, April 29, 2021


Fostering the LORD’s Delight

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4

Over the years, Renee and Scot have opened their home to over twenty foster children, most of them babies born to crack-addicted mothers.

Two years ago, God brought them Angelina. “Long before we received the call,” Renee shared, “God gave me a vision of a fair-haired daughter of my own…not just another foster child, but a daughter who would never leave.”

However, born with flaming red hair, Angelina didn’t fit the vision God had given Renee. But there was something special about Angelina—and though all her children were precious to her, Angelina touched a place deep in Renee’s heart none of the others had.

Deciding hair color didn’t matter, the Welschs began the process of adopting Angelina. In the twenty-two months it took for the adoption to become final, Angelina’s hair color changed from red to blond. Here was their fair-haired daughter after all!

At that time, the Welschs felt led to take a sabbatical from the fostering program, and were taken off the ‘Call List’ by their caseworker.

Inexplicably, during that time, God gave Renee a desire to adopt Angelina’s biological sister; strange, since she didn’t know where Angelina’s birth-mother was…or if she was even still alive. But the God-given desire grew…and would not be assuaged.

The day their sabbatical ended, Renee received a call from their caseworker, “Angelina’s mother is pregnant. Would you consider fostering the baby?”

In July of 2009, Marissa was born. At the writing of this devotion, her adoption has begun…

There is desperate need for foster parenting and the adoption of parentless children around the world. From orphans and crack babies to gangbanger wannabes, our world is teeming with what society calls the ‘unwanted and undesirable’. Yet, in Psalm 139:16, we are told that not one of them is a mistake by a God who didn’t see them coming.

Not all are called to foster or adopt. But if you are called to this ministry, don’t be afraid. God will foster, as He did in Renee and Scot, a desire to welcome your new child home!


Father God, I don’t know if fostering or adoption is something I’m called to. Give me discernment for Your will in my life where meeting this vital need is concerned. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Teach Them the What and Why

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds…Teach them to your children…when you sit at home and when you walk…when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18, 19

“Time for bed, Kiddo,” Mom advised.

“Awe, Momma…” Megan responded.

“Awe, nothing. It’s bedtime,” she said. “Go brush your teeth. I’ll be up in a minute to tuck you in and hear your prayers.”

Ten minutes later, with the covers up to her chin, five-year-old Megan prayed:

“Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray the Lord my soul to keep,

if I should die before I wake,

I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen”

“Night, Kiddo.” Mom kissed her forehead as she arose from kneeling, and headed for the bedroom door.

“Momma?” Turning she saw that Megan was sitting up once again.

“What is it, Sweetheart?”

“What’s a soul?” came the innocent query.

Stifling a laugh, she said, “Why, it’s your spirit, Baby Girl... It’s the part of you where Jesus lives!”

After a short pause Megan said, “Ooh…now it makes sense!”

“What does, Honey?”

“Well…I always wondered what God wanted with part of my shoe!”

Mom was struck with a mixture of amusement and guilt as the truth of Megan’s dilemma was made known. She had always assumed Megan knew what the words meant. She felt a stab of remorse realizing Megan must have been so confused, yet had for some reason remained silent.

Passing along the family tradition of prayer to the next generation is important. Just as vital is their understanding what they are being taught.

We are to teach, not just pass information along, because if there is no understanding…there is no power.

In John’s eighth chapter, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." There is no assumption on Jesus’ part. He leaves no room for misunderstanding, or worse yet, no understanding at all.

As we instruct the next generation we must be sure they understand the information given them.


“Give me the wisdom, patience, and skill to be the teacher my children, and/or grandchildren deserve, Lord. Guide their hearts and minds as I give them knowledge to see them set free. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


The Nail Biter

Resist the devil and he will flee.

James 4:7

As he pulled out his clippers, Gary received a revelation…he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been tempted to bite his fingernails. But he remembered the battle. Battles like that you never forget, he thought.

Looking at his fingers, he remembered the discipline required to overcome the desire to chew his nails until there was nothing left but bleeding quick. As he thought about the long struggle it was as if God was taking him on a journey through the process of his victory so he could recognize the need for consistent, unyielding resistance during the battle. He realized God had given him exactly what he’d needed each day as he’d waged war against the temptation.

He remembered that as he refused to give in to the temptation to disfigure his fingers, he received the thought to focus on something else. In retrospect he could see how God had directed him to do certain things while avoiding others.

He smiled as he uniformly clipped nails that extended past his fingertips, nails that showed no vestiges of ever have been bitten. He smiled because as he clipped he could hear God whisper, “I will always help you overcome the barriers and obstacles you face, but I will not do it for you.”

Resistance against anything counter to God’s desire for our lives is our responsibility. And it is rare when He delivers us out of the battle with no effort on our part. But, He will always help us overcome.

Overcoming is a process through which temptation is overcome; in other words, we must determinedly and continually resist to gain the victory!

We must not regard any battle as inconsequential or unobtainable, whether it’s nail-biting, sexual sin, overeating or lying. Satan will keep us in bondage as long as we allow his lies to reign over our self-discipline.

Gary didn’t just quit biting his nails one day…he overcame the temptation through persistent resistance with the Holy Spirit’s help.

If we expect victory in our lives we must ask for God’s help with the understanding that He will fortify our position every time we resist temptation.


“Lord, give me strength to discipline myself with Your help and the promise of victory over the enemy. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Monday, April 26, 2021


Hometown Witness

And you will be my witnesses.

Acts 1:8

Rick had lived a rough life for over thirty years; he’d been a Christian for only a few months. Having lived in the same small town his entire life, everybody knew about his past. He sensed that some were skeptical about the changes they were seeing.

Kenny, one of his neighbors, questioned him about it, “Where you been lately, man? I never see you around anymore.”

‘Around’ meant the local bars. Rick hadn’t had a drink since that day three months ago. He started to tell Kenny about what had happened, but the words wouldn’t come. He’d never had trouble talking to Kenny before; but starting this conversation was harder than he’d figured.

He silently asked God to give him words that would make sense to Kenny…then he pressed forward. He told Kenny how Jesus had offered him a clean slate, and how getting to know Jesus had changed the way he thought and spoke. He explained how he looked at, and treated people differently…with respect and optimism. He did his best to explain how God’s forgiveness through Jesus makes us new and clean in God’s eyes. He realized with wonder that Kenny was actually listening. When he was finished he headed back to the house, leaving the rest up to God and Kenny.

As he walked back across the yard, Rick realized he’d just made a real difference in one of his neighbor’s lives. It was a good feeling.

Witnessing can be intimidating, especially to someone who has known ‘the old us!’ How do we approach the subject of what happened in our lives when they know intimate things from our past?

Satan wants us to believe that we have no right speaking into their lives since we’ve been such a bad influence over the previous years. But for that very reason, the fact that Jesus has wrought change in our lives, we should take each opportunity to be a hometown witness like Kenny, and leave the outcome up to God and those we witness to.

After all, it’s Jesus, not us, who will change them. He’s just asking us to introduce Him…He’ll do the rest.


“Lord, help me be Your witness in my hometown. Crush the fear and negative thoughts that Satan brings to try and silence me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, April 25, 2021


Another Man’s Revelation

Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?

Acts 19:15

Jake had just returned to St. Paul’s from a pastor’s conference in Minneapolis and was on fire! Back in the pulpit, he preached a powerful, life-changing message. People were healed of diseases and set free of demonic oppression. It was awesome!

The next week saw a reduction in power. By the third week following the conference, God’s power was almost nonexistent; things had returned to ‘normal’.

Jake didn’t understand it. He couldn’t count how many times in the past eight years of ministry he’d returned from a conference to witness the miraculous for a brief time, only to see God’s power slip away. In frustration, he asked, “What’s going on, LORD?! Why can’t we hang on to the miraculous? Why can’t we maintain Your power and presence?”

God’s response came as quite a shock to Jake…. “The message you preach is a ‘right on’ message, Jake. It’s just not yours. You hear it from someone who knows My word…and you are temporarily inspired. But you are preaching another man’s revelation. Until you plant My word in your heart there is no personal seed of revelation. Only an intimate relationship can produce that kind of fruit. And then, only if you continue to plant the seeds.”

We love the miraculous but fail to understand, or refuse to admit, that walking in power comes from continually planting God’s word in our heart. We cannot occasionally or indiscriminately pick up God’s Word, read a passage, and expect supernatural results. Living a power-filled life comes from hiding God’s word on the inside.

In Mark’s parable of the sower, chapter 4, verses16-17, we see how Jake’s cycle of power to powerlessness comes to pass. We hear a ‘right word’ and are encouraged by someone else…and because it is fresh, when we speak it, others respond in positive ways. But, since the revelation didn’t originate in our heart, we have nothing to draw on as the newness wares off.

God’s work is of a personal nature. If we intend to have an impact on the world around us we must first have a personal relationship from which to draw.


“Draw me close, LORD. Make me hungry to know You and Your Word so that my heart burns with revelation. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, April 24, 2021


Human Doings or Human Beings

the Son…can only do what he sees the Father doing.

John 5:19

Lorain had just finished transferring her serving schedule to the calendar in the kitchen. Her service was the barometer in her relationship with Jesus Christ. She was scheduled for sixteen church events next month.

I wonder if that’s enough? she thought as she approached her husband. “Honey, I’ve got a lot to do for the church next month. Could you make arrangements for the kids’ practice on Fridays and Saturdays, and pick them up from piano next Tuesday?” As an after-thought she added, “…and could you make sure they get to their game on Thursday the 26th; it’s a late game and they come home after school instead of heading straight to the game.”

Rafe was agitated. He hadn’t seen much of Lorain in the past three months. “Why are you spreading yourself so thin? Do you have to do ALL the work of the church?!” he said in frustration.

“I’m doing this for the Lord, Rafe. I thought you understand that,” she countered.

“Actually…no, I’m having trouble believing God wants you to do everything for the church to the exclusion of your family. When was that last time you saw one of the kids’ games?”

We were created to serve God and others. But, why we serve is important; more important than the amount of our service. It’s easy to get caught up in the snare of doing for the Lord like Lorain. We can become human-doings instead of human-beings if we’re not careful.

Looking at the Model of service, we see that Jesus wasn’t busy for the Father. Rather, He did only what the Father asked him to.

Each of us has been given a gift (Romans 11:29). We are meant to use it when and where God directs…not to fill every moment of every day trying to please God.

By spending time each morning with our Father we will develop the ability to hear Him speak. Then we can take our cue from Him and set out to do His good will.


“Help me listen for Your voice each day, Lord. I want to be who You want me to be, doing what You want me doing. Amen.”

Friday, April 23, 2021


A Modern-Day Esther

And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?

Esther 4:14

As young Alexa began to speak it was evident that she had not only prepared this moment, she was created for it! This was good, solid teaching. Her manner was neither matter-of-fact nor hurried. Rather, it was precise and polished.

She instructed the congregation as she educated them, directing them to chapter and verse as she shared how God had spared the Nation of Israel through the obedience of one woman. She explained how God had called and prepared Esther, seeking her obedience for His purpose. As Alexa spoke of how Esther had risked death by going before the King without being sent for, you could see in Esther’s face, a mixture of courage and concern.

This eleven year old girl stood before the church risking embarrassment and discomfort to bring a power-filled message as believable as any tenured pastor could have delivered. There was an assurance and confidence about her that overshadowed any fear or nervousness. She taught the congregation how to approach God without fear, expecting Him to bestow power, strength, and courage within His servants when they walk in obedience.

In this, her inaugural speaking engagement, Alexa ministered before the King with courage and wisdom beyond her own, because like Esther, God had called and prepared Alexis for His purpose.

Alexa is a good example of a modern-day Esther. She heard God’s call and answered, bringing a message of courage and determination in the face of opposition. With God’s help she conquered her fear and in the process touched the hearts of many people.

Other than a select few, most of us will at worst risk embarrassment, discomfort, and ridicule in answer to our calling, a negligible prospect in light of what God could do through our obedience. Although many of us would shudder at being asked to speak in front of a large audience, where death might seem an acceptable alternative, God is looking for servants who would look at the risk and find it a challenge rather than a deterrent.

We are each called to a Kingdom purpose. The importance is not in the task as much as it is our answer.


“Give me courage to answer Your call, LORD. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, April 22, 2021


Devoted to Prayer

Devote yourselves to prayer

Colossians 4:2

It was 7:45am when Christine pulled out of the garage, which was unusual because she normally didn’t leave the house before 10:00. Turning out of the cul-de-sac she heard a siren and saw the lights of an emergency vehicle approaching. 

Pulling to the side of the road, Christine did what she had begun doing almost two years ago…she prayed for whomever they were transporting, or were on the way to help, and she lifted the EMTs to God, asking for wisdom, and safety. 

Finished praying, she headed for the grocery store to pick up the eggs she needed. Upon returning home, she noticed the light blinking on her answering machine. Pushing the play button as she walked by, Christine placed the eggs on the counter and pulled a skillet from the cupboard.

In the next moment her heart stopped. “Mrs. Haines, this is Barbara Sheldon from Med Central E.R. I’m sorry to have to tell you this way, but your son, Zacc, has been involved in an accident at work and was transported here by squad about a half hour ago. He is stable, but needs attention. We need you to sign authorization forms in order for us to proceed with Zacc’s treatment. Would you please come as soon as you get this message? And please…be careful.”

That’s when it hit her…The squad I was praying for!

In an act of compassion-driven prayer, Christine had unsuspectingly been lifting her son before the Lord. As this knowledge dawned she realized that although her prayer had been sincere, it had lacked the desperation of the plea she now brought before the Lord. Driving to the hospital she asked God to help her adjust her prayers accordingly in the future.

How and what we pray matters. In today’s text Paul urges us to be devoted to prayer. The definition of devotion is: to give or apply ourselves entirely to a particular activity.

Which means we are meant to pray with our heart engaged, not just our minds, with the understanding that our prayers really matter. In other words…pray as if it were your children in need of God’s attention!


“Lord, may You find my prayers to be faith-filled pleas from a heart devoted to You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Faith To Play

And without faith it is impossible to please God.

Hebrews 11:6

Rachel, who'd had hearing issues for over ten years, was the recent recipient of a new set of hearing aids. Sitting down at our piano one day, she began to tap at the keys. As I listened, she began to play 'chopsticks'. The melody didn't sound quite right, yet she persisted. I thought, Either she's never had lessons, or having been mostly deaf all those years really made her tone-deaf!

Rachel continued tickling the ivory…I smiled at her persistence. After a bit, she swiped the keyboards from end to end, and then attempted to play something else I didn't recognize.

Just then, I heard Nancy, Rachel's sister, enter the room, "That song begins right here," she said, and must have been pointing to the correct keys, indicating to Rachel that the song was meant to be played in a different octave. She asked, "Why were you raking the keys a minute ago?"

Rachel's response made me chuckle, "I thought maybe if I just started going up and down the keys the Holy Spirit would take over and I would be inspired to play miraculously!"

Nancy, who'd had three years of lessons, said, "So how's that working for you?!"

Rachel responded, "Guess God has other plans than using me as a concert pianist!"

As silly as the thought may seem, Rachel hit on a spiritual truth...stepping out in faith pleases God! He loves it when His children take chances spiritually. It’s an activation of our faith, which is a prerequisite to seeing God's will accomplished in our lives. And, whether it be something that affects our lives or the life of someone else, God asks us to stretch ourselves. When we act on the belief that God can intercede if He so chooses, we are saying, "I am giving You permission to respond to my action, Holy Spirit."

We may not receive supernatural ability to play a musical instrument without ever having taken lessons, but the truth remains that God could give us the talent if it suited His purpose. So go ahead…stretch yourself and see what happens!


“Father of the impossible, help me step out in faith so You can do things through me that wouldn't get done otherwise. In Jesus' Name, amen.”

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Is No One Responsible?

The integrity of the upright guides them...

Proverbs 11:3

The judge instructed the jury, "You have been given a tremendous responsibility. Not only are you being asked to return a verdict for the defendant, you are also setting legal precedent for all future claims against tobacco companies." He paused, letting the truth of his statement sink in. "And regardless of your personal feelings, you are required to return a decision that reflects what actually happened in this case."

The judge cautioned the jurors, "I'm sure most if not all of you have questions about this case." Every head bobbed in affirmation. "I’m sure you know they cannot be addressed in open court." He finished instructing the jury and released them to deliberate. Once in the jury room a hand was immediately raised, "Yes, what is it?"

"It's evident the defendant has suffered tremendous physical and medical problems as a result of his use of tobacco,” the female juror responded. “…and will continue to do so until his death. During the trial, one question continued to surface in my mind and I wanted to ask the judge for his opinion. I want to know under what circumstances a person is responsible for their own actions?"

Continuing, she explained, "Mr. Roberts didn't ask for cancer...but he continues to smoke to this day, knowing his actions may take his life. Is he not responsible, at some point, for any and all consequences?"

Our actions bring either reward or consequence, and at some point we will reap what we have sown. Ultimately, Mr. Roberts was responsible for one twisted his arm. Whether smoking caused his cancer cannot be empirically proven. Yet, should he be rewarded simply because tobacco manufacturers provided him with cigarettes?

Sadly, our self-serving society makes every effort to profit by placing blame on someone or something other than ourselves. Yet, when we are rewarded we fail to attribute our good fortune to others in an attempt to see them benefit. Why is that...and what do we do to curtail the epidemic? The answer is simple...we must become a people of integrity, taking responsibility for our actions.


“Lord, help me be part of the solution and not the problem in today's court system. Help me be a person of integrity and wisdom. In Jesus' Name, amen.”

Monday, April 19, 2021


Our Advocate

We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous

1John 2:1

As the judge raised his gavel the defendant’s attorney stood and shouted, “Wait, Your Honor! I have one final appeal!”

Curious, the judge asked, “And what could you possibly have to say that hasn’t already been said, counselor?”

The attorney stepped from behind the table, glanced from the prosecutor to the judge, and said, “My client is guilty of all charges,” he began. “As a matter of fact, there are several more you might have brought if you’d only known about them. But…” he cut off any interruption, “I ask that all charges be dropped against my client…” The courtroom exploded in chaos with his flamboyant appeal!

“Silence!” the judge hollered, repeatedly slamming his gavel into the coaster on his desk. “There will be silence or I will have this courtroom cleared!”

When silence ensued, the judge asked the defense attorney, “And by what reason would you think I could entertain such a far-fetched notion?” he asked. “You yourself admitted his guilt! Why would I dismiss all charges against a guilty man?”

“Your Honor,” he began, “I’m not asking you to dismiss the charges. I would like to take my client’s place. I would ask the court to allow me to serve his sentence.” The collective gasp sucked all the air out of the room!

“Do you understand what you’re asking me to do?!” the judge said, incredulously.

“I do, Your Honor,” he quietly replied.

In an act never before witnessed, the judge slammed his gavel one last time and said, “Bailiff…take this man into custody! He is to serve the full extent of his client’s sentence!”

When a defendant is found guilty, someone must serve the sentence. And as far-fetched as today’s scenario might seem, it is exactly what Christ has done for everyone who has accepted His sacrifice on Calvary. He has taken our punishment in-full, and commuted our sentence.

In an act so unnatural that it defies belief; Jesus stands as our Advocate, ready to take the punishment our sin demands before a righteous Judge.

The choice is yours…please let Him serve your sentence.


“I ask today, Lord Jesus, that You take my place and serve the sentence my sin requires. Make me ‘not guilty’ before the Father. In Your Name I pray, Amen.”

Sunday, April 18, 2021


Choice of Character

The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work.

Proverbs 21:25

Dad was a detective of sorts… “Did you finish cleaning the garage?” he casually asked, as I headed out the door.

Why’d you have to bring that up now?! I stewed. I knew that if I answered truthfully I’d be relegating myself to the completion of the task. Instead of watching a movie with my friends, I’d be sweeping, stacking boxes, and stocking shelves!

I knew he already knew the answer when he added, “It’s your choice. You can blow it off again, and go to the movie with your friends”—which will result in additional work and grounding is what he was really thinking—“or, you can stay home, complete the task I gave you, and then catch up with them for the second flic.”

Then Dad did something I will never forget…he got out of his chair and met me at the door, “Look …” he said, “I know the temptation is to lie and go have fun for the rest of the day. But if you do, you won’t enjoy the movie.” He grinned as he turned away, adding one final temptation, “It’s your choice…I’ll even wait to ground you until you get back!”

Tasks and chores… I hated those words growing up. But thirty years of parenting has shed a lot of light on the matter.

What is it about those two words that tempt a child to become idle and lie?

Any parent, if they love their children, is going to be persistent in teaching good work ethics. Because failing to teach our children to become contributors to society, is to invite unwanted and unnecessary disaster at some point in their lives.

What is it that teaches children to become idle and lie? In short, it’s family values and sin-nature. The parent who refuses to acknowledge that responsibility and integrity are taught and begin at home, sends their child into the world without the advantage of good moral character. Failing to complete this task will aid them in a life of laziness.


“Lord of all Creation, help me instill in my children a desire to know the sense of accomplishment. Help me instruct them to be fruitful, with a desire to contribute to Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, April 17, 2021


Tell Them About Jesus

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds…Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 11:18, 19

“Don’t give me that nonsense about not knowing enough to teach the girls!” Erin said. “You don’t have to be a Sunday School teacher or preacher to teach Hanna and Elle about Jesus.”

“But I feel so inadequate,” Elisha responded. “You know so much about the’s easy for you. I know next to nothing. I feel foolish telling the girls what little I know.”

Erin hesitated before responding. She didn’t want to make her best friend even more uncomfortable about her lack of Biblical knowledge...but she needed to say something. “Look, Lish…” Erin chose her words carefully. “The greatest thing you can do for your girls is teach them what you know about Jesus…tell them Bible stories and give them a basic understanding of Who He is and why He came…the need-to-know stuff…make it fun. Tell them about Adam and Eve, and about how the serpent was so sneaky…and how good the apple looked! Teach them about Noah and the flood…and Abraham.”

“See…that’s what I mean. I know next to nothing about Abraham,” Elisha sounded hopeless.

Erin had a wonderful idea, “You can use my Children’s Bible. It’s got pictures and everything! You can read the stories together,” she said excitedly.

Teaching our children what we know about Jesus and the Bible, regardless of our depth of knowledge, is paramount to their spiritual education and well-being. We are supposed to share that knowledge with these little ones who are entrusted to us. It doesn’t matter how much or how little we know. The wonderful thing about teaching our children is that as we take on that responsibility, we learn and grow in understanding.

Today’s text says we are to talk about these things with our kids. It’s not a lesson that requires desks or classrooms. Just share what you know, and tell them why Jesus wants to be their best friend. It’s not rocket science…it’s relationship…you, your kids, and Jesus.


“Help me talk with my kids about You, Father. Teach me how to teach them so they come to know You intimately. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, April 16, 2021



You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time.

1 Samuel 13:13

“Take the next right, Beth” Shelly suggested to her daughter, Elizabeth.

“But the GPS said to go on up to Stoller Road,” Beth argued.

“I know, Hon. This evidently is a short cut your GPS doesn’t know about. Trust me, I’ve been this way many times,” Shelly assured her.

As Beth made the turn, her GPS declared, “Recalculating! Recalculating!” notifying Beth it was processing to see if an alternate route to their destination could be found. In less than ten seconds the GPS provided the new route … “Take National Drive five point two miles, then turn east on Wellington Road” the unit instructed, having adjusted their route to compensate for Beth’s unexpected turn.

Three more times Shelly had Beth detour from the GPS’s suggested route. And each time the unit “recalculated” their course, coming up with a new route by which the desired destination could be reached. Apparently there was no limit to the number of routes by which the Mother and Daughter could arrive at their destination.

If a piece of electronic equipment can recalculate our earthly destinations, how much more can God, our Creator, determine our current location and give us the ability to get our life back on track when we stray from His intended course!

Although God wants us to seek and follow His perfect will for our lives, there is always a Plan B by which we can return to the path He would have us walk.

This might be news to some because of David’s prominence in the Bible…but David was not God’s first choice to reign over Israel. Today’s text shows us that Saul, by a series of poor choices, forced God to use David instead. God would have extended forgiveness had Saul sought it. Failing that, God chose David to reign in Saul’s place.

If you’ve strayed, God wants you back. Don’t let the same pride that kept Saul from his intended purpose keep you from yours. Accept Plan B. Let God “recalculate” the path of your life.


“Guide my steps and lead me back to where You want me to be, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, April 15, 2021


Don’t Take it to the Grave

…when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep;

Acts 13:36

Sixty-three years old, and eligible for early-stage Social Security, Terry was ready for retirement…ready to enjoy the fruits of his labor. He’d been a model employee in his thirty-eight years at the plant. He was a loving and devoted family man. His children had grown up in a secure home, never knowing want or need. The job he’d worked for almost four decades had provided for vacations and college. In the world’s eyes, Terry had lived the American Dream.

Yet, he’d never found that deep sense of fulfillment he’d strived to achieve. He left work each day with a wistful sense of, When I retire I’ll be able to do what I really want to do!

Secretly, Terry had always wanted to make people laugh. A masterful storyteller, Terry had always intended to write anecdotal stories that made for light hearts, but he had never gotten around to it.

Now, standing beside his casket, his wife, Jean not only felt the great sense of loss that comes with the death of a spouse…she felt regret. Terry’s dream would never be realized. He would never write a single line, or see his finished work published. Life seemed so cruel.

Today’s text says David did what he was created to do…and then he died.

With no inkling of when that moment will come for us, wouldn’t it be great to know that as we are kneeling before the King, we, like David, had fulfilled God’s purpose for our life?

It’s been said if you want to find the most potential on earth, look in a graveyard. Many people aimlessly trudged through life following a path not of their own choosing, working at a job in which they found no fulfillment, and then died, their lives unfulfilled.

There is no sin or shame in working at a job we didn’t really like; we must provide the necessities of life. Yet, there is a divine purpose, born in each heart, which yearns for fulfillment. It will not happen automatically or by chance. That is why it’s called our purpose and not our accident. We must seek God’s divine purpose for our life...and then follow His leading…until we die.


“Lord, reveal to me my life-purpose…that area of service You created me for. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Wednesday, April 14, 2021



The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.

Matthew 9:37

John Harper and his six-year-old daughter, Nana, were on board the Titanic that fateful night in 1912. According to documented reports, as soon as it was apparent the ship was sinking Harper took his daughter to a lifeboat, bent down and kissed her saying, “We will see each other again someday.” With that he set out to follow God’s leading.

Harper was seen making his way up the splintering deck yelling, "Women, children and unsaved into the lifeboats!" Harper, as well as many others jumped off the decks and into the dark, ice-cold waters below as the Titanic began to split apart.

John Harper was seen swimming frantically to people in the water leading them to Jesus. Rev. Harper swam up to one young man floating on a piece of debris, and asked him between breaths, "Are you saved?" The young man replied he was not. Harper then tried to lead him to Christ only to have the young man reject the offer. Harper then took off his life jacket and threw it to the man saying, "Here then, you need this more than I do..." and swam away trying to save others. Minutes later an exhausted Harper swam back to the young man and succeeded in leading him to salvation. That young man was later rescued.

Four years later, at a survivors meeting, this young man stood up and, through tears, recounted how after John Harper led him to Christ, Harper had tried to swim back to help other people. As John Harper drowned his last words echoed above the frigid waters, "Believe on the Name of the Lord Jesus and you will be saved."

God asked John Harper to give unsaved people one final chance at salvation. Harper obeyed because he was a harvester for Christ. We also have that privilege.

People are perishing at a rate of 155,000 a day worldwide. Among them is no shortage of lost souls.

Jesus, through today’s text, challenges us to plunge into spiritual waters among those going down without salvation, and offer them the One and only Life Preserver.

May our words, as John Harper’s, echo above the cold, dark waters, "Believe on the Name of the Lord Jesus and you will be saved."


“Show me those who are drowning without knowing You, Lord. And give me the courage to approach them and tell them about Your sacrifice. Amen.”

Tuesday, April 13, 2021



Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself,

Luke 11:26

Something of a grass guru, Artie had the best looking lawn in four counties…not a single broadleaf weed or dandelion to be found. He was proud that his hard work had repaid him so handsomely. And if you failed to comment on his lush green grass…he’d tell you himself! “Look at that yard! No unwanted vegetation on the entire property!”

Artie’s friend, Jerry, teased him. “I can’t believe you, Artie! God creates all those beautiful little yellow flowers to brighten your lawn, and you, unable to see the beauty in a dandelion, dig em up and toss em in the trash! Shame on you doin’ God that way!”

Unphased, Artie restated his claim of ‘grass-maharishi’ of the neighborhood. This time he put a spiritual spin on it, “Dandelions are like sin, Jer. If you let one stay, it multiplies into ten. Then the ten turn into one hundred. Pretty soon the whole yard’s covered with ’em! Can’t let that happen, Jer! Besides, professional baseball diamonds and football fields have well-manicured grass! Not pretty little flowers! You don’t find ’em in Shea Stadium…and you won’t find ’em in my yard either!” stated the now-spiritual grounds keeper.

Artie’s right, Jerry silently admitted. You can’t give dandelions an inch. Who knew there was a spiritual anecdote involving dandelions…or that Artie ever thought about it for that matter?

Dandelions are pretty. But, Artie is right. If we take a nonchalant attitude toward them, they will destroy our yard. The same holds true in our spiritual lives. Sin’s allure is persuasive, seductive, and subtle. That’s why it’s called temptation. Yet, as seductive as sin is, its consequences are even more pervasive and destructive.

Its intended objective is to destroy our lives. Sin’s consequences will not only ruin our lives, it will affect the lives of many who look to us for direction, understanding, and spiritual or literal support.

We mustn’t let any sin remain once it’s exposed…for any reason. We must be vigilant in eradicating it from our lives. For if we take the apathetic approach, we will find a darker, more perverted form of sin has come to take up residence.


“Consecrate me and remove the sin in my life, Lord. Reveal to me where sin lurks. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Monday, April 12, 2021



When Jesus saw this, he became angry and said, "Let the children come to me! Don't try to stop them. People who are like these little children belong to the kingdom of God.

Mark 10:14

“Mom?” little Jackie asked. “Did Mrs. Burson eat somethin’ sour?”

Janet smiled as Jackie added, “’Cause she sure looks like she ate one o my sour apple candies!”

While formulating the proper response for a six-year-old, Janet watched in horror as little Jack skipped right over to Mrs. Burson, reached up and took her hand, “Did you eat some of your kid’s sour candy, Mrs. Burson?”

Janet hurried to head off Mrs. Burson’s response. To her surprise, Mrs. Burson smiled at young Jack. She looked him straight in the eye, and asked, “Do I look that bad, Jackie?!”

Before he could respond, Janet interrupted, “What Jackie meant to say was…”

With upheld hand, Mrs. Burson cut her off, “Oh, Janet, I’m quite sure he said what he meant. But thank you for attempting to ease the sting.”

Unconscious of his faux pas, Jackie innocently added, “Sometimes them sour apple candies give me a bellyache. Do you have a bellyache, Mrs. Burson?”

Totally at a loss for words, Janet waited for Mrs. Burson’s response.

“You know something, Jackie. I believe I do,” she said with a laugh. “Thank you for helping me ascertain the source of my displeasure!”

Jackie asked quizzically, “What’s an ascertain of displeasure?”

Mrs. Burson and Janet both broke into laughter!

Only a child can get away with such boldness. Their innocence disarms the normally offensive response we would certainly give to any adult who dared question the noticeable displeasure of our stern countenance. Why is that?

Mainly, it’s because we know children are not malicious. They are unsullied by cynicism and cruel intent, we wouldn’t think of demeaning them for reaching out to us.

Jesus points out that those who possess such childlike innocence display an important characteristic of Kingdom citizenship….a very important characteristic, that if lost, we should hope to re-discover (ascertain).


“Lord, my grown-up countenance is lacking in innocence. Please restore the childlike wonder and faith of my youth so I look like a citizen of Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, April 11, 2021


Make it Your Own

Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?

Acts 19:15

Rafe had always felt he had a meaningful relationship with God….until two hours ago. Now he realized he’d only been giving Him lip service. He’d been challenged over a statement he had made. When the man challenged the validity of his statement, he had adamantly argued his point, saying, “I know what I heard the pastor say!” referring to the evangelist he’d seen on TV.

But the challenger had shown him in Scripture that his belief was wrong.

Faced with the truth, Rafe had feebly responded, “Well, I must have misunderstood what the pastor said.”

The whole way home he’d felt the quiet conviction of the LORD. He realized with startling clarity that his relationship was a compilation of snippets and sound bites, borrowed from people he’d watched, the books he’d read, and the CDs he’d listened to. He’d never taken the time to search out what God’s word actually had to say…he’d simply taken other’s teachings as Gospel.

Broken and ashamed, he lay weeping in repentance for his casual and careless attitude toward the Author of the Book he professed to know so well.

Relying on others for our faith can foster false and erroneous beliefs with disastrous consequences.

In today’s text, one demon-possessed man beat seven men until they were naked and bloody. Simply quoting something we believe to be part of God’s word not only doesn’t make it effective, it is dangerous!

We need to search the Word of God until it becomes OURS! Many times in the past I have caught myself quoting a verse of scripture, saying, ‘So and So said…’ or after reading something I would say, ‘So and So wrote…’ not realizing there was no power in the verse through third-party connections.

It’s not wrong to watch, listen to, or read spiritual material. Spiritual wisdom and understanding can be gained by doing these things. But if we fail to seek answers for ourselves, relying on others to study for us and not digging into scripture ourselves, we will walk this earth powerless…and the enemy will have his way with us from time to time.


“Give me a passion for Your Word, LORD. Create in me a hunger to know for myself what You have to say about every issue in my life. Amen.”

Saturday, April 10, 2021


Bathed in Love

There is no fear in love.

1John 4:18

“Mom!” Shaohannah hollered. “Maria won’t wash her face!”

Mary Beth was chagrined at her six-year-old daughter’s tattling. Knowing it was birthed out of a disdain for anything dirty, especially where her little sister was concerned, she tried not to encourage her little snitch.

The real issue here was Maria’s unnatural fear of water. The mere mention of putting her head in or under water totally freaked her out! The fact that Maria wouldn’t even put her little face under the shower spoke of how strong the fear was.

Heading upstairs to the bathroom, Mary Beth silently asked God for wisdom, “Lord, your word says fear is from the enemy. So please help me help Maria to not be afraid.”

The answer was almost audible, “Tell her I am watching, and I love her so very much! And because of My great love for her, she doesn’t have to be afraid anymore.” Somehow Mary Beth knew it had been Jesus speaking. And as simple as it sounded, she knew it would work!

What happened next revealed the truth about child-like faith. For when Mary Beth told Maria what Jesus said, Maria immediately put it to the test by dunking her little head completely under the water!

Mary Beth and Shaohannah stared in wonder as little Maria came up laughing!

In his hit song, “Dive”, Steven Curtis Chapman sings about diving into the flow of God’s love. Chapman sings “I’m divin’ in, I’m goin’ deep in over my head I wanna be!” These lyrics do not speak of a casual or superficial act. And for good reason!

This mighty river of love, birthed in God’s heart, will consume us and drive out all fear if we abandon ourselves completely and unashamedly to its flow.

Sadly, the fear of drowning complicates matters for the reluctant heart. We don’t want to lose control; for if we do, our life is no longer our own. And that, in effect, keeps us at the edge of God’s cleansing and healing love.

The only way to overcome the fear in our heart is to jump, as Chapman says, without hesitation, with the knowledge Jesus is watching, and there’s no reason to fear! Jesus guarantees: “You will come up laughing.”


“Here I come, Lord Jesus! Amen!”

Inspired by the song, Dive, by: Steven Curtis Chapman

Friday, April 9, 2021


With One Voice

Love is…

1Corinthians 13:4-8

With the pastor out of town, Jake, a local High School music teacher, was speaking this morning. “I want to bring a message today about speaking with ‘One Voice’. ‘One’ voice refers to the distinct harmony created by a barbershop quartet. As each voice, lifted in its unique pitch and quality is blended, they create something unattainable as individual vocalists.”

Jeff, also a layman in the congregation, listened intently, “Just as multiple singers can become more than their individual selves, the Church is meant to produce spiritual singularity, showing Jesus to the world in love. The day before He was crucified, Jesus told His Disciples the world would know Who’s they were if they loved, cherished, and cared for one another...”

Jake challenged the Church to seek God’s understanding of 1Corinthians 12:12, and 13:4-8, and finished with, “When we put others ahead of ourselves in love something happens. Our voice shifts from one of self-purpose and becomes part of a Spiritual symphony. When we, as Christians, live together in love our voices become the harmony that creates the ‘One Voice’.”

Jeff accepted Jake’s challenge, silently praying, This is how I want the voice of my life to sound, Lord Jesus, to merge with the other voices of Your Body. Help me love in such a way.

In 1Corinthians 12, Paul explains how the Church is made up of individual parts that work together for the good of the Body. In chapter 13, he exhorts the Church to turn away from jealousy and enmity, so the unity described in chapter 12 is made possible.

Sadly, there is a lack of trans-denominational cooperation and mutual edification within the Body.

The world is disillusioned with the disharmonious noise of today’s Christianity, they have no desire to become engaged when they listen to selfish nature where unity and fellowship should be. In short, they see hypocrisy, they hear an out-of-harmony Church.

Only by joining together in the unity of selfless love will our individual voices become transformed into something the world hears, that One Voice, and wishes to become part of.


“Father God, forgive my selfish desire to have my way. Teach me to love with ‘One Voice’ so the sound of my life is pleasing to You, and inviting to the world. Amen.”

Thursday, April 8, 2021


God is Near

God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.”

Hebrews 13:5-6

For Roger and Melodie, giving to the Lord was second nature. Over the past two months they had given Him almost forty percent of their income, helping meet a few extra needs within their community. With the remaining sixty percent sufficient to meet their monthly debt, and feeling God leading them to help, they gave cheerfully.

And then, without warning, Roger lost his job. Melodie, who’d recently been laid off, was already struggling to find employment in their small community. Within three weeks they found themselves in their own financial need. They even found themselves arguing over what little money they had.

Deciding prayer was better than arguing, they asked God for peace. He responded immediately, “Do not be afraid. I am here. You will not be taken from My hand.” Right then they determined to remain God-sufficient, allowing Him to work things out and meet their needs.

In the mail the next morning was a rebate check from a past purchase they’d forgotten about, in the amount of $250 dollars…twice the expected amount! It wasn’t the house payment, but they could see God’s hand at work to encourage them.

Many have experienced the overwhelming fear of impending financial loss. It tests our faith and relationships like nothing else can. So what are we to do when the natural appears to be winning and Satan is out to steal our hope?

God wants us to take Him at His word: “I am here. I am not caught unaware. I will provide exactly what you need, when you need it. Do not be afraid. Stand firm! ”

To have faith during financial crisis is simple in theology, yet daunting if we allow ourselves to focus on what we don’t have or stand to lose. And therein lays the battle. If we give in to worry, we lose. Conversely, if we refuse to surrender our faith and trust God for our very existence, we cannot lose.

God is never taken by surprise. Have the faith to let Him deal with your fear.


“I am affected by money more than I want to admit, LORD. Help me trust in Your provision, even if the sky is falling. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Steeped in the Lord

However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.

Matthew 17:21 KJV

Up early, young Davy decided to make Gramma some tea. Filling the teakettle, he placed it on the stove and waited for the whistle, then he poured it into Gramma’s big teapot. Unsure of how many bags to use, he decided on two, and suspended them by their strings between the lid and pot. Then he placed the cozy over the pot, and went to brush his teeth and wash his face and hands. Cleanup complete, Davy returned and poured Gramma a cup, and headed for her bedroom.

Being from the United Kingdom, Gramma loved tea, it was a part of her life. As she tipped the cup, she realized Davy hadn’t used enough teabags. Not wanting to crush Davy’s spirit she said, “Quite tasty! How many teabags did you use, Honey?”

“Two, Gramma!” he proudly asserted.

She chuckled to herself, and said, “Oh, Honey, thank you so much! I believe this is the best cup of tea I’ve ever had.” She watched as a smile of accomplishment spread across Davy’s face.

“I’ll make s’more as soon as you finish this pot, Gramma!” he proclaimed.

Once more, Gramma’s wisdom shone through as she said, “I think I’ll just take my time and enjoy this pot, Honey.”

Steeping tea correctly requires knowledge of how the teabags respond to boiling water. If not enough bags are used, or too short a time is permitted, the desired results are not achieved.

Prayer and fasting are much the same. If we fail to spend sufficient time in God’s presence we don’t receive a significant result. Extended soaking in the Holy Spirit allows Spiritual knowledge and wisdom to penetrate the deepest recesses of our heart.

Jesus, in today’s text, is showing us that there are some things that require extended instruction, and only by spending time in prayer while fasting can we gain the necessary understanding to overcome our unbelief.

To walk in power we must be steeped in God’s presence. The longer we steep, the stronger we become.


“Lord Jesus, reveal to me the truth of my unbelief. And then, help rid me of it as I draw close to hear Your instruction. Amen.”

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Blessings Without Measure

She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed."

Matthew 9:21

As the young mother turned back to the shopping cart she found her son rifling through everything. “Shane, sit back and leave things alone!” she admonished.

He heeded her warning for all of ten seconds. That’s when the four-year-old spotted one of his most favorite things in the whole world: ice pops! Seeing his mom’s attention directed toward the shelves, Shane stretched out his hand, reaching as far as he could. The prize remained just out of reach. Undaunted, he reached down and unbuckled the little seatbelt holding him in place, and nimbly climbed toward the ice pops. Just as he grabbed the unfrozen popsicles Mom turned to place something else in the cart.

“Shane Kaufman…!” She began…then stopped herself, staring in wonder at the tenacity of her son. He would not be put off. He would achieve his goal, nothing would deter him.

As much as she knew that blatant disobedience could cause problems in the future if not given the proper direction, she couldn’t help but be impressed by his persistence. The look of triumph in his eyes made her smile.

In today’s text Jesus, full of the Spirit without measure, was walking along the streets of Capernaum, pushing a virtual shopping cart full of blessings. Among the great throng crowding against Jesus, this woman with the issue of blood was the only one who understood that there was power available to heal her. So, in faith, she reached in and took what she needed, appropriating her healing through unwavering faith! Jesus even commended her for such tenacity, “Daughter, your faith has healed you.”

Oh that we would have the simple faith of a child to believe that every blessing we will ever need is at our disposal through the power of the Holy Spirit.

True faith believes and appropriates what it needs, knowing it is available. And the only way we will know is to draw near enough to God to hear His heartbeat.


“I want to know You for Who You are, Abba Father. Not that I might have power for myself, but so that I might know You, and Your Power. Amen.”

Monday, April 5, 2021



Forgetting what is behind…I press on toward the goal.

Philippians 3:13, 14

Jim Sessions, co-host of the hunting show Intrepid Outdoors, headed into the Apache Kid Territory of New Mexico, with his cameraman, Dean Taylor, looking for bull elk.

Six miles up the trail, his horse hit an impasse. Undaunted, they backtracked a short distance to an area they’d passed earlier. It was suitable for camping, giving Jim time to have a meal and listen for bugling bulls at sunset.

Following a hearty meal they hiked a short distance to a high ledge overlooking several draws. Jim smiled at Dean as several bulls bugled, challenging each other in the fading light. The elk were close!

The next morning Jim and Dean set out in the direction of last night’s bugles.

Choosing a spot, Jim began calling to the bulls using his cow call. Two bulls answered! Closing the distance, calling intermittently then sneaking closer, it took less than an hour to call in and kill a beautiful 6 x 6 bull with his muzzleloader; all caught on tape!

What appeared to have been a setback to their reaching better hunting grounds failed to dampen Jim’s pursuit of his goal, all because he didn’t look at the blocked trail in defeat and dismay. Instead, he adjusted his plans!

The word intrepid means: fearless; courageous; adventurous; bold; brave; undaunted. The name of the show was chosen because they hunt that way, always pressing on, courageously looking for a way to reach their goal, no matter what obstacles pop up.

There is a spiritual parallel to their hunting mindset.

When we hit spiritual barriers we are given choices. We can either give up and quit, or we can reassess the situation, deciding to be flexible, and refuse to give up.

God is not caught unaware by the impasses of our life. He awaits us at each one, ready to give us input. His hope? That we’re ready to intrepidly adjust our plans and press on!


“Help me keep a right attitude when I encounter trials, Lord. Show me which adjustments I need to make to reach the goal You’ve set before me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Unnecessary Punishment

For Christ died for sins once for all…to bring you to God. 
1Peter 3:18 (author’s emphasis)

It had been a sleepless night, full of questions. Myriad thoughts wound their way through Mitch’s mind…and hopefully to a listening God’s ear. Around 5am God whispered, “Your sin has already received the punishment necessary.”
Immediately Mitch’s mind argued, “I know Jesus’ blood covered my sin. But I keep making mistakes!”   
“And?” God asked lovingly.   
“I feel so careless. How can You still be pleased with me?”    
“I was pleased with you before you awakened at 2:00 am when all this started, before you had any input in your day,” God gently chastened. Then He said, “You are Mine, and I am always pleased with you! You are looking for punishment that isn’t coming.”  
Knowing Mitch wasn’t convinced, God set in motion a series of events to show His loving faithfulness: his devotions that morning held meaning to each of last night’s questions…a song he listened to spoke of God’s unfailing love…and to settle the matter, when Mitch went for his morning walk, he encountered Tom, a brother in the Lord, who just happened to be working on the hiking trail in his remote area of the county. Tom greeted him with a message that could only have come from the Lord!
Many Christians suffer from a performance-based mentality pertaining to our relationship with God. The Father’s love, or withholding of that love, is based on whether we are living a godly life at the moment.   
Mitch and Tom’s meeting was not by chance. God was leaving no room for doubt as to how He felt about Mitch. This divine appointment settled the matter in Mitch’s heart. 
When Jesus died on Calvary’s cross it was for all sin…for all time! Not just for those of the past and present, and those in someone else’s future. Yet, many of us still question how our sin can’t deserve further punishment.  
The complete answer is deep, and not to be stumbled upon. As you come to the Father for answers, He will provide them…much as He did for Mitch. But rest assured…your performance has nothing to do with God’s being pleased with you. 

“Although I don’t fully understand it, LORD, bring me to the knowledge that all my sin was atoned for on Calvary…and while I’m getting there, lead me in love. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, April 3, 2021

 Bethel Emmanuel

Jacob took the stone…and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it. He called that place, Bethel.

Genesis 28:18

As Mike read Genesis 28:16-22 he felt his spirit quicken. The small stone!

Several years ago, Mike’s life had been in shambles. Drugs had all but wrecked his marriage, and in surrender, he had cried out to Jesus. As he’d knelt in his backyard to pray, his right knee had come to rest on a small stone. Instead of throwing it out of the way, Mike held it as a precious jewel in his hand. In a Jacob-like moment, and unsure of his actions, Mike offered it to God as an altar to the work he was asking God to do in his heart, his life, and his marriage.

God had honored his prayers, and Mike had kept that small stone in his car as a reminder of God’s faithfulness. Three weeks ago Mike brought the stone into the house, and placed it on the end table beside his chair.

Having just read the account of Jacob building the altar at Bethel, Mike felt compelled to do the same, erecting an altar to God for His faithfulness. So taking the stone, Mike anointed it with three drops of oil. “Here, now, I recommit this family and household to You, LORD. I thank you for blessings past, present, and future. I thank You for Your faithfulness and love, Your great mercy and grace. May this house forever be called Bethel Emmanuel, because it is a House of God because God has been, and always will be with us, Amen.”

Mike replaced the stone on the table, considering it his pillar before the LORD.

Does this sound a bit out of context, comparing one small rock to an entire altar? In truth, it's not the size of the altar, but what is in the heart of the person.

In today’s scripture, Jacob built an altar to God for his promised faithfulness. Scripture says that the Bethel altar still stands today.

There are moments in our lives when God shows up in the exact way we asked Him to. Those moments are rare, and meant to be remembered for their significance.

This morning, ask God to bring to remembrance any such moments in your life, and erect an altar to His faithfulness. Let it stand as your reminder of God’s promise.


“I thank You, LORD, for always being faithful. Here, in this moment, I erect this altar of thanksgiving to Your Name. Amen.”

Friday, April 2, 2021


His Loving Don’ts

My son…let thine heart keep my commandments…and peace shall they add to thee.

Proverbs 3:1, 2 KJV

It wasn’t hard to tell Hanna was stressed over the choice she was facing. She really wanted to go on a weekend trip with Reuben. “God’s commandments say, ‘Don’t do this and don’t do that!’ I get sick of His constant control in my life! He proclaims my free will, and all the while He’s forcing me to abide by a set of rules He contrived to retain control of my life!”

In light of Hanna’s frustration, Jen was careful about phrasing her thoughts. “You know, Hanna,” she began, “you can go if you want. God isn’t going to stop you.”

“No, He won’t!” she countered. “But He’ll make me miserable if I do go!”

“Is it really God who would be making you miserable, or is this about you knowing it would be wrong to spend the weekend with Reuben before your wedding?” Jen suggested.

“Spending the weekend in the mountains is not a sin!” Hanna countered, rolling her eyes.

“No,” Jen said, “it’s not. But can you tell me that you haven’t been entertaining certain thoughts about what could happen if you go?” She softly added, “God isn’t trying to control your life, Hanna. He’s trying to save you a bunch of grief.”

“Grief my butt…” Hanna murmured.

“Maybe the reason you’re frustrated is because it is your choice and you want God to make it for you,” Jen volunteered. “That, my friend, is free will at its finest.”

God is not a Control Freak, in need of getting His way in our lives. He is, however, loving and considerate, and His Spirit will most certainly quicken within us when harm, through the possibility of wrong choices, threatens us.

When the frustrations of difficult choices arise, He’s asking us to trust His wisdom and omniscience so we can live in peace by submitting to the Spirit’s leading. But…He’s giving us the choice. And believe it or not, that makes some of us angry.


“Sometimes free will feels like a sentence rather than freedom, Lord. Help me always yield to Your omniscience in the matters of my life, knowing You would never allow me to make poor choices without Your Spirit suggesting I re-think them. Amen.”

Thursday, April 1, 2021


Unquestioning Obedience

Abraham built an altar there and…bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar.

Genesis 22:9

As Lee related the story of her sister’s miraculous survival of such a horrific accident, the clarity of God’s intervention sharpened with each detail.

She began by sharing about her father’s unconditional dedication to God. “In 1994, my father was called to a seven day fast. Unclear as to the why of it, he unquestioningly obeyed God’s directive of just seven sips of water each day.”

Continuing, Lee’s voice caught as the memory of her sister’s struggle came rushing back, “Not long after Daddy’s fast, my sister, Kim, was in a terrible wreck. Her car hit a huge rock, flipped end over end, rolling several times, and finally came to rest with the engine literally sitting in her lap. With numerous life-threatening injuries, she endured twenty-two hours of surgery just to reattach her feet.” Tears formed as she composed herself, the personal knowledge of God’s favor evident.

“Many years later, Daddy told us that God revealed to him that his obedience in that fast, doing exactly as God directed, had saved Kim’s life. God had been ready to take Kim home, but restored her to perfect health because of Daddy’s faithfulness. She even became pregnant, delivering a healthy baby girl, despite the doctor’s prognosis that she would never bare children!”

Lee’s account gives new meaning to God’s edict that, “Obedience is better than sacrifice.” 1Samuel 15:22 Not all who are called to fast will be asked to do so not knowing that their failure to obey might cost them their child’s life.

We may never see the fruit of our conformity, or know the consequences of our disobedience. But the importance of our unquestioning surrender to God is paramount in His ability to use us for the work of His Kingdom. He wants to know if we can be trusted to sacrifice our most precious possessions in order to carry out His plan.

Abraham, in light of his prior disobedience, and knowing that Isaac represented God’s promise, was willing to sacrifice his son. It is God’s desire that when He calls…we unquestioningly obey, leaving the future in His capable hands.


“Teach me to respond immediately when You call, LORD. Give me strength and courage to trust in Your unconditional and fathomless love. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Inspired by: Alereata “Lee” Thompson