Thursday, April 1, 2021


Unquestioning Obedience

Abraham built an altar there and…bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar.

Genesis 22:9

As Lee related the story of her sister’s miraculous survival of such a horrific accident, the clarity of God’s intervention sharpened with each detail.

She began by sharing about her father’s unconditional dedication to God. “In 1994, my father was called to a seven day fast. Unclear as to the why of it, he unquestioningly obeyed God’s directive of just seven sips of water each day.”

Continuing, Lee’s voice caught as the memory of her sister’s struggle came rushing back, “Not long after Daddy’s fast, my sister, Kim, was in a terrible wreck. Her car hit a huge rock, flipped end over end, rolling several times, and finally came to rest with the engine literally sitting in her lap. With numerous life-threatening injuries, she endured twenty-two hours of surgery just to reattach her feet.” Tears formed as she composed herself, the personal knowledge of God’s favor evident.

“Many years later, Daddy told us that God revealed to him that his obedience in that fast, doing exactly as God directed, had saved Kim’s life. God had been ready to take Kim home, but restored her to perfect health because of Daddy’s faithfulness. She even became pregnant, delivering a healthy baby girl, despite the doctor’s prognosis that she would never bare children!”

Lee’s account gives new meaning to God’s edict that, “Obedience is better than sacrifice.” 1Samuel 15:22 Not all who are called to fast will be asked to do so not knowing that their failure to obey might cost them their child’s life.

We may never see the fruit of our conformity, or know the consequences of our disobedience. But the importance of our unquestioning surrender to God is paramount in His ability to use us for the work of His Kingdom. He wants to know if we can be trusted to sacrifice our most precious possessions in order to carry out His plan.

Abraham, in light of his prior disobedience, and knowing that Isaac represented God’s promise, was willing to sacrifice his son. It is God’s desire that when He calls…we unquestioningly obey, leaving the future in His capable hands.


“Teach me to respond immediately when You call, LORD. Give me strength and courage to trust in Your unconditional and fathomless love. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Inspired by: Alereata “Lee” Thompson

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