Friday, April 23, 2021


A Modern-Day Esther

And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?

Esther 4:14

As young Alexa began to speak it was evident that she had not only prepared this moment, she was created for it! This was good, solid teaching. Her manner was neither matter-of-fact nor hurried. Rather, it was precise and polished.

She instructed the congregation as she educated them, directing them to chapter and verse as she shared how God had spared the Nation of Israel through the obedience of one woman. She explained how God had called and prepared Esther, seeking her obedience for His purpose. As Alexa spoke of how Esther had risked death by going before the King without being sent for, you could see in Esther’s face, a mixture of courage and concern.

This eleven year old girl stood before the church risking embarrassment and discomfort to bring a power-filled message as believable as any tenured pastor could have delivered. There was an assurance and confidence about her that overshadowed any fear or nervousness. She taught the congregation how to approach God without fear, expecting Him to bestow power, strength, and courage within His servants when they walk in obedience.

In this, her inaugural speaking engagement, Alexa ministered before the King with courage and wisdom beyond her own, because like Esther, God had called and prepared Alexis for His purpose.

Alexa is a good example of a modern-day Esther. She heard God’s call and answered, bringing a message of courage and determination in the face of opposition. With God’s help she conquered her fear and in the process touched the hearts of many people.

Other than a select few, most of us will at worst risk embarrassment, discomfort, and ridicule in answer to our calling, a negligible prospect in light of what God could do through our obedience. Although many of us would shudder at being asked to speak in front of a large audience, where death might seem an acceptable alternative, God is looking for servants who would look at the risk and find it a challenge rather than a deterrent.

We are each called to a Kingdom purpose. The importance is not in the task as much as it is our answer.


“Give me courage to answer Your call, LORD. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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