Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself,
Luke 11:26
Something of a grass guru, Artie had the best looking lawn in four counties…not a single broadleaf weed or dandelion to be found. He was proud that his hard work had repaid him so handsomely. And if you failed to comment on his lush green grass…he’d tell you himself! “Look at that yard! No unwanted vegetation on the entire property!”
Artie’s friend, Jerry, teased him. “I can’t believe you, Artie! God creates all those beautiful little yellow flowers to brighten your lawn, and you, unable to see the beauty in a dandelion, dig em up and toss em in the trash! Shame on you doin’ God that way!”
Unphased, Artie restated his claim of ‘grass-maharishi’ of the neighborhood. This time he put a spiritual spin on it, “Dandelions are like sin, Jer. If you let one stay, it multiplies into ten. Then the ten turn into one hundred. Pretty soon the whole yard’s covered with ’em! Can’t let that happen, Jer! Besides, professional baseball diamonds and football fields have well-manicured grass! Not pretty little flowers! You don’t find ’em in Shea Stadium…and you won’t find ’em in my yard either!” stated the now-spiritual grounds keeper.
Artie’s right, Jerry silently admitted. You can’t give dandelions an inch. Who knew there was a spiritual anecdote involving dandelions…or that Artie ever thought about it for that matter?
Dandelions are pretty. But, Artie is right. If we take a nonchalant attitude toward them, they will destroy our yard. The same holds true in our spiritual lives. Sin’s allure is persuasive, seductive, and subtle. That’s why it’s called temptation. Yet, as seductive as sin is, its consequences are even more pervasive and destructive.
Its intended objective is to destroy our lives. Sin’s consequences will not only ruin our lives, it will affect the lives of many who look to us for direction, understanding, and spiritual or literal support.
We mustn’t let any sin remain once it’s exposed…for any reason. We must be vigilant in eradicating it from our lives. For if we take the apathetic approach, we will find a darker, more perverted form of sin has come to take up residence.
“Consecrate me and remove the sin in my life, Lord. Reveal to me where sin lurks. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”
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