Always On His Radar
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
2Corinthians 4:8, 9
Tyler’s run for City Council died an untimely death. Two of the signatures on his petition for election had been called into question. With no way to verify their legitimacy, Tyler was forced to withdraw his bid for candidacy.
Disappointed but determined, Tyler next sought an Aide position with one of the Freshman State Representatives. A man of unwavering faith in Jesus Christ, he sought out those who held his personal beliefs, and sent each one an application with his bio and political resume. Three offices responded, inviting Tyler to interview with them. Each interview seemed promising, only to end with the Representatives hiring someone else. Still, Tyler continued to trust God. The next day he received a call from someone he’d worked closely with during the recent gubernatorial race, inviting him to apply for a position within a new ‘Faith-Based’ program in the Governor’s office.
The interview had been promising, yet Tyler held his emotions in check, remembering his prior results. His concerns were short-lived as the following Monday, Tyler was called to the Statehouse and offered the opportunity to serve not only his community, but the entire state from a position even more strategic than he had thought possible!
As Christians, the only way disappointment can ever end in defeat is if we give up, believing God doesn’t care or that He isn’t paying attention to our plight. As real as it may sometimes appear, it’s simply not true that God isn’t concerned with our lives.
Paul, in his second letter to the Church at Corinth and us, wrote that although Satan might be able to blind the eyes of the unbelievers, he could not do so to those whose trust is in Jesus Christ.
Nevertheless, Paul doesn’t sugar-coat life's pressures. He admits to adversity and resistance from the enemy, but exhorts us to persevere in faith! If we will believe, like Tyler, that God has not forgotten us, we can press through the disappointments of life, remaining confident that He will provide His perfect provision at the perfect time.
“Teach me to trust that I am always on Your radar, Lord, by showing me where to step next. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”
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