Sunday, May 30, 2021


Servant or Slave?

Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way:

2Corinthians 6:4

Sitting in a local diner, the three friends were discussing the challenges of serving God. Having shared with each other some of their current battles, Chris shared how tired he had become spiritually; wishing God would remove some of the burden.

Cody asked, “Do you know the difference between a slave and a servant?”

Growing up in the 1960s, Chris had learned to equate slavery with oppression. This is easy, Chris thought as he answered, “A slave does things because he’s forced to; a servant gives of himself freely.”

He’d never heard Cody’s definition, “A servant does things expecting payment. A slave expects nothing for their work.”

Chris chewed on that as Cody continued…

“At five o’clock, a servant goes home to his family…” he said, “…a slave isn’t finished until his master says he’s done.”

As the truth of that statement penetrated Chris’s heart he had to admit he’d been expecting something for his service. While praying, “Use me, Lord,” he’d had expectations of what that looked like in his own mind; he was expecting to receive compensation for his efforts, not a hard time.

In the span of one minute, God had used Cody to show Chris the true nature of a slave…and his heart where service was concerned.

But, if owning another human being, for any reason, is wrong, then how is being God’s slave good?

In Romans 6:16, Paul tells us that we are slaves. In today’s text, reading through verse ten, Paul’s description of service sounds more like the definition of slavery. It’s riddled with hardship and pain, yet speaks to what lengths a bond servant will go for his Master.

So, what’s the difference?

Satan enslaves, hoping only to destroy!

God, in His great love, offers us and opportunity to serve in His Kingdom. He does not make us slaves.

Given the choice, whose slave would you rather be?


“Lord, I don’t want to be Your servant, always expecting a return for my service. Shift my heart so that I might become a slave who desires only to bring You glory, regardless of any pain or trial I might perceive as unfair and unwarranted. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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