Friday, May 28, 2021


There is a Hell

They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator

Romans 1:25

For years Randy witnessed to his father during their long-distance phone conversations, telling him if he refused to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior he would spend eternity in Hell, separated from God. But his father vehemently asserted that there was no Hell to be saved from.

When his father became ill Randy moved back home to care for him. Over the next ten months, while Randy ministered to his father’s physical needs, he continued ministering to his spiritual needs, reading scripture and telling him of God’s great love for him. He even took him to church on Sundays when he was well enough to leave the house. At the end of each day Randy would ask, “Is there anything keeping you from asking Jesus into your heart, Dad?”

His father’s response was always the same, “Yes, lots of things.” Yet Randy never gave up. Then one Sunday, during the altar call following a particularly powerful sermon on our immortal spirit, Randy watched in awe and thanksgiving as his father raised his hand to receive Jesus into his heart! After the service, Randy’s father confided to him that his persistence had caused him to rethink his beliefs, “I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a God, and I don’t want to spend eternity apart from Him.”

Doubt is one of Satan’s favorite weapons. He tells us there is no Hell and the world loves it because it removes the consideration of consequences and accountability. Sadly, even some professing Christian pastors say, “A loving God would not send billions of people to a horrible hell!” But as sure as there is a Heaven, there is a Hell.

We can argue all we want and it won’t change that truth, or prevent people from going to Hell. God’s holiness demands we be righteous to enter His presence. Only faith in Jesus Christ, where we are cleansed by His blood, has the power to save. Anything else is a lie.


“Lord Jesus, forgive me for ever doubting Your word. I accept Your sacrifice for my sin and look forward with anticipation to spending eternity with You in Heaven. Amen.”

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