Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Chair and Tuesdays

“I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8

I had noticed the chair, but hadn’t asked about it. It sat just to the right of the headboard of her bed, close enough she could reach out and touch it. The story she shared was from her soul.
“That chair’s been sitting right there since 1984, that’s the year Bill died. I put it there so I could talk to him… I sure do miss him. I never really got over loosing him, you know. I was angry at God for awhile, especially about Tuesdays. It was a Tuesday when Bill died. The following Tuesday Bill’s best friend died. The week after that my dog died, and the week after that Mom had a stroke and died fourteen months later, on a Tuesday. I hate Tuesdays!”
She shared her pain with me that day, and I understood; we all have things we get angry at God about. Even the most god-fearing people get angry at God from time-to-time.
She finished by saying, “I’m not angry at God anymore, but I still hate Tuesdays! Now the chair is there so Me, Bill and God can all spend time, then they don’t feel so far away. I sure miss Bill.”
We have a God Who knows our pain; every wound of our heart. He knows every thought, too. So He’s not surprised when we finally admit that we’re mad at him for one reason or another.
He has enough love and patience to hear us out, walk beside us, or carry us when that’s necessary. He knows all our faults and waits us out, hoping our rebellion ends so He can lead us into deeper understanding.
His desire is that we bring Him the burdens we weren’t meant to carry.
He always meets us where we are… and accepts any advancement in His direction.

Abba, please forgive me for my unrepentant anger. Help me want to give it all to You. Most times I struggle with forgiveness; I feel it’s my right to hang on to it. Help me understand what Jesus meant when he taught the Disciples, ‘and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.’ In Jesus name, Amen.”

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