Friday, March 16, 2012

T.J.’s Windmill
Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction; pay attention and gain understanding.
Proverbs 4:1

T.J. was a Massey-Ferguson man himself. But he didn’t seem to mind his new six-foot windmill being John Deere green and yellow. The colors were a good contrast as it stood beside the American flag he displayed every day.
 When his grandson erected the windmill, placing it where T.J. could catch sight of it from his recliner in the living room, no one had any idea of the effect it would have on people’s lives.
T.J.’s house was situated in the bottom of a river valley running east to west, allowing the predominant westerly winds unbidden access to the windmill.
 Windy days were an event; not because watching the windmill itself was so interesting, but because something about that spinning windmill stirred T.J.’s memories, causing him to talk about the past. His ninety plus years spanned countless changes in our nation’s history. You never knew if you were going cotton picking in Mississippi, drilling oil wells in the hills of Ohio, or crossing Germany and France as a medical battalion aide during World War II. As a matter of fact, you could never be sure of what you were in for when the wind blew. But if you listened closely, there was wisdom, experience, and instruction to be gained.
Listening is an art form. Listening to the elderly is priceless. Unfortunately, many of our elderly are discarded as senile and troublesome, despite the fact that their very presence proclaims they have yet to complete their final earthly purpose.
There is an untapped wealth of knowledge and experience stored within the memories of our elder statesmen and women. Solomon instructs us to gain wisdom at our fathers’ knees, not view them as spent and of little use.
By refusing to listen to them, we forfeit invaluable assistance and under­standing. We label them of no value. This is foolish at best and at worst is complete arrogance.
They are not meant to merely mark off each day until they die. We should avail ourselves of such knowledge before it fades.
“Teach us to respect our elders, Lord. Help us recognize the value of their memories and appreciate their minds. Show us how to treat them with the reverence they deserve and the respect You decree. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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