Sunday, March 25, 2012

Splendor of the Son
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28–30

The rain sounded so relaxing with a cadence that lulled you into restful slum­ber. It fell all through the night. In the early morning hours, when the tem­perature was at its most frigid point, layer upon layer of ice formed, causing tree branches to bow down, almost touching the ground. As the sun rose over the horizon, the boughs glistened with dazzling beauty. And although the rays of sunshine continued to dance on the frozen limbs, the temperature remained at the freezing point.
Some branches that had been shielded from the full cascade of rain began to gently ease upward as droplets of water fell from their grasp. Some remained bent and looked as though they longed for relief.
Unfortunately, the early morning sun hadn’t reached many of the heavier, ice-laden branches, and they snapped, broken and lifeless—branches that had glistened in the splendor of the sun, branches that wished to grow, but could no longer bear the strain of the weight.
What a tremendous waste that so many trees would be destroyed because they weren’t strong enough to bear the additional load. And so it is with us as the wounds and disappointments accumulate, causing unbearable strain because, due to embarrassment and pride, we cut ourselves off from the critical help we need. We pridefully believe that no one else could ever understand. And so the wounds continue to build, weighing heavily on us, our emotional and spiritual stability ready to break at any moment. If we refuse to share our pain, it will eventually consume us.
Jesus never meant for us to carry such burdens alone, and we should never allow them to cling to us until they gradually overwhelm us. Unlike the tree, we need not be broken. We can be wonderfully wholehearted, overcoming the seemingly insurmountable pressures of life if we turn to Jesus. Jesus wants to carry our burdens so that through His efforts we will reflect the splendor of the Son.
“Jesus, thank you for giving me rest. Help me learn how to give you all my burdens, both great and small, so the things of this world don’t overtake me. Amen.”

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