Monday, March 19, 2012

The Web
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
2 Corinthians 10:13
I watched as the wasp struggled to free itself from the web. The more he struggled, the more entangled he became. It began when the wasp spotted a fly stuck in the web, wings buzzing, franticly trying to escape. It seemed like such an easy meal. All the wasp had to do was kill a helpless fly. The moment he attacked, stinging the fly, the spider emerged from the funnel in the center of its web.
With the wasp’s attention focused on the fly, the spider quickly attached a slender thread of silk to the wasp’s leg. Trying to break free, the wasp’s movements actually managed to get him more entangled. As the wasp weakened, the spider returned from the funnel and spun a cocoon of silk around its helpless prey.
Like the spider in the story, Satan sets out to deceive his prey. The way he tempts us is always seductive. Although he cannot read our thoughts, he has seen enough of our poor choices to know how to tempt us. The truth is most sin feels good. But there are always consequences.
As in the wasp’s case, what Satan tempts us with will initially appear beneficial. He focuses our attention away from the things that ensnare us, hoping we will take the bait. The wasp saw nourishment and was lured into the web.
We must be on guard and remember that one poor choice can trap us in a revolving door scenario that appears to have no exit. Unlike the wasp’s confinement, our bonds can be broken.
As today’s text shows, there is always a way of escape. But we must choose to take it. When we enter in to a relationship with Jesus Christ, He will lead us to the way out.
“Lord, please give me strength to resist temptation today. Help me relate to You in such a way today that I can see any temptation for what it is. Amen.”

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