Saturday, May 31, 2014


And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.
Matthew 6:7

Kurt and Stevie had been close friends for years. They had whiled away many summers exploring the neighborhood, trying not to get into too much mischief, but for ten year old army brats there was nothing more fun or worthy of their time than emulating their fathers.
“That’s a ten four, Sergeant,” Stevie spoke into his walkie talkie. “You bring your troops around from behind the enemy’s position on the south side, and we’ll move in that direction from here; Over…?”
“Moving now, Lieutenant,” Kurt responded. “We’ll hold at our next outpost until you let me know when you’re in position; Over…?”
“That’s affirmative, Sergeant,” came the reply, followed by, “Stay sharp, Malloy. When we make the final approach we’ll have them surrounded. Do your men understand their orders? Over…?”
In a voice that informed his commanding officer that he understood, Kurt answered, “I've given the order, Sir. They know what to do. Over…!”
“Then wait for my next transmission, Sergeant,” Stevie instructed.
Walkie Talkies are sold in pairs because two-way communication is imperative when making plans and explaining strategies; especially where ten year olds are concerned. Stevie needed Kurt to respond to his directives in order to make their battle plan work. By interacting, giving the other equal time to respond by saying, “Over…?”, these two friends were able to surround and gain victory over the enemy.
Our prayer life should resemble Kurt and Stevie’s cooperation in communication. Sadly, most of us rarely take a breath when we pray. We burst into the throne room, spit out a list of demands and leave, never waiting to see if there’s anything God would say to us in the moment. Then, for the rest of the day, we walk around unsure of whether we’re on the right track.
There are times in prayer that we need to tell God how we’re feeling, or ask for something. Scripture supports both. But prayer is meant to be an open line of communication between two parties. The next time you enter in to your prayer closet why not give this a try; “Hello, God. Is there anything You’d like to say to me? Over…?”


“Good morning, Lord, it’s me. Over…?”

Friday, May 30, 2014


… while we wait …
Titus 2:13

The Sunday school teacher placed one marshmallow in front of each of her ten students. “Please wait to eat your marshmallow until I say it’s all right. Once I give you permission, you are free to eat it. I must leave the room. If you wait to eat your marshmallow until I return, I will give you a second marshmallow. If you choose to eat it before I return, you will not receive a second one.” With that, she left the room.
Six of the children immediately grabbed and ate their marshmallow.
Three children sat patiently, hands in their laps, watching their peers enjoy the tasty treat.
As time passed, the wait showed on one little boy. Just as he grabbed his marshmallow, the teacher opened the door! The boy slowly placed it back on the table.
The teacher acknowledged the four children’s restraint. “You didn't give in to a desire to eat your marshmallow.” Placing a second marshmallow in front of them, she continued, “Here is your reward for waiting.”
She then announced, “I must leave again. If both marshmallows are uneaten when I return, I will give you two more.” The kids who had eaten their marshmallow were visibly disappointed. “For those who ate their marshmallow, if you will remain seated and silent until I return, I will give you one more marshmallow.” With consequences versus reward fresh in their minds, the six remained quietly in their seats.
The temptation to eat our marshmallows is great. Without hesitation, many of us devour them without a second thought. The hope within the promise isn't tangible enough to discipline our desires. But once we witness the reward of self-discipline, we gain new perspective, one that gives us hope.
“While we wait” is not a passive proclamation. It is an action-filled opportunity to bring ourselves under the control of Someone else in the hope of being rewarded with a life more like Christ’s, full of love, joy, and peace.
Watching someone else do it gives us hope. Our struggle gets easier as we experience the reward.

“The temptation is great, Lord. I can’t do this on my own, I need Your help. Teach me to wait on Your reward. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, May 29, 2014

It’s All About A Choice

Listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.
Deuteronomy 30:20

Aaron didn't have the tool he needed to fix his wife’s rocker, so he headed to the local hardware store.
“Hey Keith! How you doin’?” he greeted the owner.
“I’m good.” Keith responded, then asked, “How about you?”
“I’m great!” Aaron said enthusiastically.
Keith looked up from his task at the counter and quipped, “Don’t worry. It won’t last.”
“Maybe, maybe not. But as long as it does, I’m gonna ride it out! Besides,” he countered, “I believe this just might last forever!”
“I’m telling you, it won’t!” Keith bantered, chuckling, “but you go ahead and try to hang on to it for as long as you can, Bubba!”
Aaron got the tool he needed and bid Keith farewell. On the drive home, he smiled about his good-natured exchange with his long-time friend. Yet, even as he smiled he could hear God whisper: “Life, and what happens to you during it, is about how you choose to view your circumstances. And although keeping a positive perspective isn't always easy, it is preferable. Today you chose well. Continue to choose wisely.”
Aaron just smiled.
The lyrics of the song ‘Jesus Calling’ by Christian Music Recording Artists, 33 Miles, speak of how God wants us to approach life…no matter our circumstances. The last line of the first and second verses says, “And how you see your circumstance is all about a choice.” This is more than an implication. While embroiled in the trials of life, we do have a choice of perspective. As you read the chorus, ask God to help you listen while you’re interacting with life.
“When you see the rushing wind, feel the pouring rain, hear the thunder now, as the clouds roll in, and your blinded by the lightning, do you also hear that still small voice saying, It’s okay, you’re not alone, you may be scared to death, but I won’t let you go. You may think the sky above is falling, but can you hear Jesus calling?”

“Lord of peace, may I always choose to listen for your still, small voice in the storms of life. May my perspective be one that finds it’s origins in Your encouraging love. Amen.”

Inspired by the song, It’s All About A Choice by Christian recording artists, 33 mile

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Chrysalis

Behold, I make all things new.
Revelation 21:5 (kjv)

Sitting alone in the woods, contemplating her life, Bryanna wondered how she could have slipped so far from the life she’d envisioned for herself as a child. Only now did she understand the destruction she’d caused and realize her inability to atone for her mistakes. “Lord, if You’re really here, now would be a good time to show Yourself,” she said aloud, thinking there was about a one in a billion chance of Him showing up.
But to her utter amazement, He appeared in the next moment. As she surveyed her surroundings, Bryanna noticed something hanging from the small limb of a nearby bush. Moving closer, she realized with wonder that she was looking at a chrysalis. A caterpillar had woven its cocoon recently, and had begun the metamorphosis to its current state. Now, a butterfly was fighting to emerge from its protection to begin a new life.
She knelt and watched as the struggle culminated with the butterfly’s emergence. It hung from its transitory dwelling, drying its wings in the brilliant sunlight. Then it flew away. As she watched it light on flower after flower, she heard God whisper, “You too can begin a new life, Bryanna. It will require a bit of struggle, but the change can be as dramatic as this insect’s you just witnessed. Would you trust Me to make things new?”
How sweet is the knowledge that God makes things new each time we bring our pitfalls to His throne, laying them before Him, asking forgiveness! And how many times have we, like Bryanna, made a mess of things, only to seek God’s intervention? It is beyond human comprehension how God can forgive the vile things we have done and then forget them. But He does, and He will. And the life we are able to live following repentance is a life unmarred by past sin.
Today’s text speaks of God’s loving mercy. It is powerful enough to recreate our lives, making us brand new. But only if we accept His Son as our Savior and come asking forgiveness. If we do this, He promises we will be changed!

“Lord, change me from who I am today. Transform my life and make me new. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Picture On The Box

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord …
Jeremiah 29:11

Brad and Sharon loved jigsaw puzzles. However, this one was going to be a challenge. Brad had purchased what he thought was a wonderful acquisition. He’d picked up a five-thousand piece puzzle at a yard sale. The $1 dollar catch was that there was no box; only the puzzle in a cellophane bag.
He smiled as he handed his wife the puzzle. Seeing the bag, Sharon asked, “Where’s the box?” The look on Brad’s face told her all she needed to know. “I can’t believe you bought a puzzle without the box! You know how crucial the picture is to figuring out which piece goes where. How do you propose we assemble this puzzle without it?”
Brad, having prepared for her reaction on the way home, argued, “I've already got that all figured out,” he said proudly. “We’ll lay the pieces out, face up, set the border by the straight edges, then assemble pieces with the same colors, and so on; we’ll figure it out. C’mon. It’ll be fun!”
Shaking her head in mock annoyance, Sharon answered with a disclaimer, “Only if you promise me you won’t buy any more puzzles without the box.”
In the natural, we view our lives in terms of a jigsaw puzzle; we see innumerable events that have no apparent connection, and the sum of all the parts is still undefined. Yet, we hope that someday it will portray a beautiful and complete picture.
And as in today’s story, we sometimes blindly proceed, doing the best we can in view of what we have to work with, sorting through the pieces, trying to find the ones that fit. Sometimes they fall easily into place; other times, due to a lack of spiritual perspective, we jam mismatched pieces together in our attempt to make them fit.
Don’t become discouraged. Instead, relax in the knowledge that God sees us with Spiritual eyes. He knows what the picture on the box is supposed to look like.
If we yield the pieces of our lives to His care, He can, and promises to take each one and make them interlock perfectly.

“Take the pieces of my life, Lord, and make them into something beautiful. Amen.”

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Supreme Sacrifice

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13 KJV

As I listened to the 2011 Memorial Day address, I thought of how so many had given so much for our freedom. Many families in our small community had sons and daughters in harms way, in a hostile land. But one individual here knew the pain of supreme sacrifice. Charles and Judy Goare’s son, Shamus had been killed in Afghanistan, and Judy was in attendance to honor their son.
I was reminded of another difficult and bittersweet day for the Goares: “Mr. President,” Senator Mike DeWine announced in the December 8, 2006 Session. “This afternoon I would like to pay tribute to Army Staff Sergeant Shamus Goare from Danville, Ohio. He was killed on June 28, 2005, when his helicopter was shot down over Afghanistan.”
Midway through his tribute the Senator shared, “Mr. President, shortly before his death Shamus received a Medal of Valor for humanitarian work in Afghanistan. Shamus was working with children, which was something his father said he dearly loved…Life in the military was a good fit for Shamus. It led him to a series of selfless and compassionate acts of heroism, many of which he could not divulge to his family due to the nature of his work with the 160th’s Night Stalkers. And true to their motto, Shamus never quit—even to the very end.
Following the service I, as well as many others, hugged Judy and thanked her for Shamus, for his life and sacrifice, and for our freedom. In that tearful embrace Judy responded, “You are so welcome…thank you for remembering my son.”
There is no way we can repay the Shamus, Judy, and Charlie Goares of this Nation. Neither can we repay Jesus for the supreme sacrifice He made on our behalf.
Shamus died so that we might live in freedom from tyranny and oppression, able to enjoy the freedom to worship as we choose.
Jesus died to give us complete freedom, freedom from the penalty sin demands, and the freedom to spend eternity with Him. Greater love hath no man than this.

“Father of Comfort, be with those who have lost loved ones who have served to keep me free. And thank You for true eternal freedom through the death of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.”

Sunday, May 25, 2014

I Want Mercy!

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Matthew 5:7

“I’ll never forgive them!” Jim screamed as he flew out of the pastor’s office. His anger left no room for reasonable thought.
He had begun having nightmares since being mugged three weeks ago and couldn't seem to get a grip on his emotions. He’d tried sleeping pills, even tried drinking himself to sleep once; neither had the desired effect. Strained to the point of emotional bankruptcy, Jim decided to speak with his pastor and try discussing his problems.
But that had been a joke! The pastor had listened and then told Jim he should try to forgive these men. He had told Jim that forgiving them would set him free from the memories of that night. He hadn't said one word about them asking Jim for forgiveness. Jim was indignant. How dare he tell me I need to forgive them!
His wife continued to pray, but Jim just became increasingly bitter. Eventually it consumed his life; he became morose and died from heart complications several years later.
Forgiving those who have hurt us is not about giving up revenge and getting even; it is about setting ourselves free from the burden of resentment and bitterness. It is about mercy and unmerited favor; it is about grace.
What others do is between them and God.
When Christ hung on Calvary’s cross, it was an act of mercy and unmerited favor for us. He didn't have to go. He chose to out of a love so deep that he would rather be humiliated, tortured, and die a pain-filled death rather than live without us in eternity!
We can choose to hang on to the burden of acts committed against us. But at what cost do we give up our rights and give it to Jesus? If we want mercy but struggle to give it ourselves, God can’t provide it. That is a spiritual law. Remember, we reap what we sow. “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord Almighty.” He meant it, so leave it up to Him.

“Merciful Father, forgive me for my pride and arrogance. Touch my heart with a desire to forgive. Show me how to forgive others who have hurt me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, May 24, 2014

No, All Roads Don’t Lead To Heaven

and narrow the road that leads to life…
Matthew 7:14

Approaching Columbus, Trent posed the question to Alisha, “So, should I take I-270 or I-71?” He wasn't so much seeking her opinion as he was trying to transfer responsibility for possibly ending up in a traffic jam. If he could get her to make the decision, she’d become responsible for the outcome!
“Oh no you don’t!” she said. This wasn't her first go-round with her husband’s you choose and let me off the hook ploy.
Trent lamented, “270’s always under construction. But 71 narrows to only four lanes downtown. Traffic usually slows to a creep this time of day.”
Alisha decided to take the high road, “I saw on the news last night that there are several detours on 270.We may not be able to get back on 71 and we’d have to backtrack.”
“Are you saying I should stay on 71?” he baited her again.
“I’m saying…whatever you decide, I’ll endure...but if we stay on 71 we’ll eventually get where we’re supposed to be,” she finished diplomatically.
“71 it is!” Trent exclaimed triumphantly.
Fortunately, traffic was light and they didn't lose any time, “I’m glad I made the right decision,” he crowed, stealing a glance at his wife. The look on her face said, I nothing, mister! but she graciously remained silent.
If you look at a map of the Continental United States you readily see that all roads do not lead to the same destination. As a matter of fact, there are few exceptions where you can deviate from your original route and still reach your intended destination without some major backtracking.
Many preach: “We’re all headed for the same place, just taking different routes.” This is simply not true, and leaving the path that leads to our eternal home is dangerous; we may not make it back. Detours hold pain and suffering. And, if we survive, we can choose to correct our path. Unfortunately, many never make it back.
Heaven is accessible only through Jesus Christ. There is no other road that serves as His substitute.


“Help me be narrow-minded when it comes to the road I travel, Lord. Keep me on the straight and narrow path that leads to Heaven. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Fleece

If there is dew on the fleece … then I will know.
Judges 6:37

What they were doing looked like foolishness to those who didn't understand spiritual matters. Yet that hadn't stopped their work. And they were ninety-nine percent sure that God wanted them to continue their ministry. But wanting to be completely sure, they decided to put out a fleece. It had worked for Gideon.
“Okay, Lord. You've led us this far. You even revealed the person we are to pray about. We haven’t seen him in months. If You want us to continue what we’re doing, cause this man to come back into our lives by the end of the week.” With that, they went back to the work of their ministry.
The fleece had been laid out on Monday. It was now Saturday morning. To this point, the man was a no-show. Time was running short, yet they continued to watch in faith.
As it happened, there was an annual festival being held that day in their small town, just a few vendors selling their wares, a country band for entertainment, and a small car show. They enjoyed the beautiful day, holding hands as they walked and talked with friends and family. Just as they were about to leave, a man appeared from the crowd; he waved and walked toward them. The man in their fleece!
God had provided unmistakable evidence that He intended them to continue in what they were doing. God had responded, and it had settled the matter for them.
Not all our petitions receive this obvious an answer. Most of the time, we must interpret God’s response through His Word, circumstances, continual prayer, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Yet sometimes God removes all doubt.
God is not too big to be asked the difficult questions, nor too small to deliver an appropriate answer. What He wants more than anything is for us to ask. God wasn't put off by Gideon’s fleece, not even the second time he asked. It was God’s opportunity to reveal His nature to Gideon. He wants to do the same with us.

“Help me step outside the natural into a supernatural spiritual life, Lord. Cause me to disregard the distractions and remain focused on You. Amen.”

Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Change In The Atmosphere

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb…
Luke 1:41

There was something different about Jessie. Wherever she went people took notice. It was as if the atmosphere around her was thick with goodness and joy. Always smiling and cheerful, Jessie’s presence was tangible. It wasn’t an act; she really was a cheerful person! She had reason to be otherwise if she chose.
A single mother of three, Jessie worked long hours making sure her girls had each need met. Arriving home from work, she spent time with each child, making sure they were on target at school…and in life. They shared a deep and abiding love.
Jessie’s relationship with her children was born out of her relationship with Jesus. She gave Him the credit for her ability to rise above the demands of being a single parent, especially with three teenage girls! She eagerly proclaimed that because of Jesus’ faithfulness she was able to look at each day as a blessing to be lived to the fullest instead of a sentence to be served with a fatalistic mind-set. Through continually submitting to Jesus, Jessie had learned to let goodness seep through instead of allowing her struggles to choke the life out of her and her family.
There are those who are just good people, people you enjoy being around; Jessie was good people!
When John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth’s womb it was because the Son of God was present in Mary’s womb. Jesus’ arrival was felt in the atmosphere!
God wants us, like Jessie, to affect the atmosphere by bringing a spiritually-charged tangibility with us wherever we go; to our workplace, the grocery store, our schools…everywhere we find ourselves.
When we look to Jesus for our strength to live as victors, instead of victims presenting a defeatist attitude, He is able to change the atmosphere around us. His Spirit manifests in power in the face of adversity so that others not only take notice, but want to receive this same overcoming power.


“Lord, make me an atmosphere changer for You! Teach me to rely so completely on You that life no longer drags me down. Come near so that Your presence is detected through the life I live. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Our Future Hope!

There is surely a future hope for you...
Proverbs 23:18

Jenny practiced devoutly for the upcoming National Talent Search tryouts being held in her city. She was nervous about performing in front of the judges, but she couldn't shake the sense that singing was what she was created to do. So Jenny purposed herself to sing as best she could. And Jenny could sing!
She was used to landing the lead role in her High School Drama Club’s annual musical. And though you might think that would have prepared her for this competition, this was not a group performance where she happened to be the best singer. This was an on her own challenge against some very talented individuals. All she could do was give it her best and hope she came out on top…or close to it.
Jenny was looking for the validation of her dream; this could give it to her if she placed well. Standing in the wings, awaiting her chance, she uttered a prayer of hope, “Lord, whatever comes I ask for three things; give me strength to do my best today and every day; if this is my future, give me hope to carry on; but most of all…I pray that you receive all the glory. Amen.” and she took the stage.
Jenny advance in the competition until becoming one of twelve finalists. Her dream was becoming a reality!
There is within each of us an innate hope, placed there by our Creator, to do something meaningful; and toward that goal we remain unsatisfied with anything less than our best effort.
To get from point A (where we are today) to point B (where we desire to be) we must travel with purpose, always looking toward our objective, yet understanding the trip is more about our maturation than the destination. And in order to be useful to God today we must remain in the present. So when the road gets rough, look just far enough ahead to remember: Hope is the ability to look toward the future in such a way that it gives us confidence in the present. And Jesus is the Hope in which that confidence resides.


“I surrender to Your leading, Lord. Guide me safely to my intended destination, and don’t let me miss life as we walk this road together. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Help Them Hear!

Consequently, faith comes by hearing…the word of Christ.
Romans 10:17

Paul had been blinded in an industrial accident many years before but refused to allow the blindness to limit him. He was frequently seen walking around town without the aid of a companion-dog or mobility cane. He’d taught himself to navigate the downtown corridors by using his acute hearing; he knew where he was by listening to the echoes.
While standing at an intersection, waiting for the light to change, a bystander watched as Paul stepped off the curb the moment the light changed. Dumbfounded, the man watched Paul walk across the street and into the corner drugstore without a single misstep. Amazed, he decided to ask Paul how he did it. He entered the store to find Paul standing at the counter, handing the clerk his shopping list. As the clerk went to fill the order, the man spoke, “Excuse me,” he began. “My name is Mark Goddard.”
“How do you do, Mark?” Paul said, extending his hand.
“I’m fine,” he answered, shaking Paul’s hand. “I watched you on the corner a minute ago, and I’m amazed at how you knew when the light changed. How did you know?” he asked in wonder.
Paul’s smile was as bright as his outlook. “I heard it change, Mark. The loss of my sight has heightened my hearing,” he said, then suggested, “Mark, the next time you’re downtown and traffic is light, listen for the little chunk the stoplight makes. You’d be amazed at what you hear when you really listen.”
Mark observed Paul and was led to ask probing questions, questions that gave Paul the opportunity to share the reason for his ability to confidently navigate life in the midst of adversity.
There are many who have never heard the message of the gospel due to the white-noise of the world. And because of their spiritual deafness they will die, never having understood that Jesus came so they might live.
As Christians, we should live in such a way as to help them hear the love of Jesus Christ.


“Help me live a life that speaks of Your love and forgiveness, Lord Jesus. Make me a book for others to read, and a voice for those who have lost their spiritual sight. Amen.”

Monday, May 19, 2014


Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!
Revelation 19:9

Everyone was having a wonderful time as children’s laughter mingled with adults. And that was good since so much thought had been put into planning the evening. Invitations had been selected and sent weeks ago; the menu had been planned with care, dietary needs of several guests had been carefully considered; the event had been well thought-out.
But it might not have gone as well had it not been for considerate hosts. You see, there was one eventuality the Bolivars had not planned on; they weren’t expecting anyone to bring their children. So when the Parsons showed up with their six-year-old twins it could have been an uncomfortable moment. But June, being the consummate hostess, welcomed them unreservedly, then excused herself as her husband, Bob, brought the Parsons and their children to the well-stocked playroom where their grandchildren played when visiting. He knew June wouldn’t want anyone to witness what she would do next.
As unobtrusively as possible, June set up a small table and chairs adjacent the dining area, complete with lace tablecloth and place-settings for eight, hoping the six additional settings would convince their guests that their children had been expected.
June’s dinner invitations failed to indicate she and Bob had planned an adult-only event. She’d also forgotten to include RSVP cards that might have tipped her off to the oversight. To her credit, the thought of excluding the unexpected children never crossed her mind.
There is a celebration for which everyone has been sent an invitation; none have been excluded. It will be the feast to end all hunger. Honored guests will dine with the King! Joy and laughter will be shared on a scale never before witnessed.
Our reservation is waiting. Jesus has provided for our seat at the table, complete with blood-stained name cards. Yet, without our RSVP, once the dinner begins, any who fail to respond to the King’s invitation will watch in horror as their place settings are removed from the table.
Don’t wait, thinking you have plenty of time to respond. It only takes a moment to complete and send your RSVP.


“Lord Jesus, I accept this precious invitation to Your wedding supper. Forgive and cleanse me from my sin. Take up residence in my heart and confirm my reservation today. For it’s in Your Name I pray. Amen.”

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Feathers In The Wind

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3

Anger seemed to be Danielle’s only emotion. From the moment she arose until she laid her head back on the pillow, she exuded frustration, displeasure, and impatience with everyone around her. When her children began exhibiting the same behavior, constantly fighting, the older calling the younger hurtful names, Danielle’s husband said, “You need to do something about how you treat people.”
Seeking resolution, they together sought Christian counseling. The first week the psychologist asked Danielle to complete an exercise. Upon Danielle’s agreement, the counselor said, “I want you to find a down pillow, take it to the center of a large field, cut it open, and scatter the feathers in the wind.”
Danielle thought it strange, and said so, but agreed to do as requested.
The following week, having proudly advising her counselor of completing the task, Danielle was disheartened when the counselor said, “This week’s assignment is to go back to where you scattered the feathers and collect each and every one of them.”
“Why, that would be impossible!” Danielle cried in anger.
The counselor pointed out, “And so it is with our words. Once they have left our heart through our mouth we can never retrieve them or completely heal the wound that careless words cause.”
Like feathers in the wind, we have no idea where the sting of carelessly-spoken words might end. One thing is for sure: they will not remain where we turned them loose. Their wounding carries far beyond what is readily evident.
Many never know the lengths…and depths…to where their words have traveled. And for one reason or another, hurting people hurt other people. When the heart is full of hurt it flows out, into every part of our life. Matthew 12:23
The only way to stop the hurt from spilling over is for our heart to be healed. And the only healing that can truly take it away is the loving-kindness of Jesus Christ.
If you have been deeply hurt, I invite you to come to Jesus. Exchange your pain for His peace.


“Lord Jesus, I come today with heart full of ache, not completely sure how You can remove it, but trusting what Your words says. Please…bind up my wounds and take away this pain. Amen.”

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Who’s Living In Your House?

And who knows but that you have come to this royal position for such a time as this?
Esther 4:14

Billy had always been a sickly young man, catching every new antibiotic-resistant strain of virus that surfaced, ending up in extended hospital stays. It seemed he just might die before his twentieth birthday if things kept up this way. By his mid-teens, Billy had outgrown some of the tendencies to catch every germ that came around, yet his doctor harbored doubts as to whether Billy would ever be able to lead a normal life, but not his parents.
Because of his mother’s constant nurturing, always tending his needs, and a father who poured his life into his son while seeking every remedy possible, Billy beat the odds! Today Billy is a normal, healthy man. He is the CEO of a large and successful E-Business, creating over $100 million in revenue each year. His hundreds of employees make better-than-average wages with generous benefit packages. As they gain longevity in the company they earn the opportunity to own part of it through a program Billy labeled, “Share-Cropping”, where they can purchase company stock with the option to bring non-employees into the exchange through a special, lower-cost buy-in rather than the company stocks traded for on the open market. It was Billy’s brainchild, his way of giving back to the people who helped make his business such a success.
This unassuming young man, who might never have seen his twentieth birthday were it not for his parents nurturing love, became a godly success. His success touches the lives of tens of thousands, if not millions of people. Billy’s parents didn’t know they were nurturing a future CEO who would take the world by storm through e-commerce. They just loved him…and gave him every opportunity to succeed.
Did Jessie know the future-king of Israel was living in his house? Or did Mordecai know his daughter was born for such a time as this? Probably not. Yet in their homes was future-royalty, which begs the question: Who’s living in your house?


“Lord, help me parent future-royalty. Guide me as I assist them in becoming who You created them to be. Help me nurture the gifting You have purposed in their hearts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Friday, May 16, 2014

Stick It Out

And whatever you do…do it in the name of the Lord Jesus…
Colossians 3:17

Glenn was tired. As a matter of fact he couldn't remember ever feeling so energy-depleted or needing to summon the initiative to continue his task. Reminding himself why he’d volunteered for this project, he said a quick prayer and headed back inside, picked up the crowbar, and continued prying off the water-damaged baseboard along the floor of the house.
Recent floods had left many homes within the community in need of repair, so Glenn and several members from their church had volunteered to help in reconstruction projects. This was Glenn’s third such renovation, and what had at first been exciting and fulfilling had now become mundane and tedious; day after day, doing the same thing; tear out the water-damaged material so the next crew could come along and restore the dwelling to a livable residence.
The first two renovations had left him with a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. So why the sudden change in attitude? Glenn couldn't summon the elusive feelings of satisfaction he’d gotten from his earlier involvement. Repetition had a way of stealing the joy of service. But he refused to quit. He knew how much this meant to the homeowner.
It’s easy to enjoy the fruits of our labor in the midst of new and exciting things. Repetition, however, has a way of stripping the shine from the veneer and dulling the beauty of our service because Satan sends discouragement our way.
Knowing Satan will try to steal the joy in our service can work in our favor, for with that knowledge we can refuse to give in to his attacks during boring, everyday-repetition.
When we commit our efforts to Christ we work in His strength; in His light the dull and monotonous are transfigured.
Paul urged the Colossians to commit their hearts, in everything they did, to Jesus. Knowing human tendency is toward pleasure and fulfillment, Paul repeated his urgings in the twenty-third verse.
Doing the glamorous is easy. Learning to stick it out in the mundane is where character is constructed.


“Lord, help me stay in the game when boredom tries to get me to quit or give less than my best. Teach me perseverance. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Thursday, May 15, 2014

When We All Held Hands

But the Samaritan...when he saw him, he took pity on him.
Psalm 82:3

It was graduation day. The father of one of the graduates had been asked to perform a song for this special commencement. As he stepped to the microphone he shared the background story for the song he was about to sing.
“My third son was a bit scared on his first day of school. So I walked with him to the playground and waited until time came for students to enter the building. The playground was a scary place for a five-year-old because kids of every grade, age and size shared the same space. When the bell rang everyone ran for the door at once! Sam wasn't very big; at three-foot-nothin’ those high school kids looked like giants!”
The father smiled as he fondly recalled the event, “I’ll never forget that day as long as I live. This big, strapping boy came over to Sam, took him by the hand, bent down and said, ‘I’ll make sure nobody bothers you, kid. Just stick with me!’ and into the building they went, Sam holding on for dear life!”
The lyrics were powerful and moving, causing tears to flow amidst the crowd… heads nodded as he sang of a time when people looked out for each other and risked their own safety to protect someone less able.
When he finished he received a standing ovation; a lesson was received, and hopefully someone would take the opportunity to reach out in the future.
It is rare, if ever, that we are chastised or rebuked for coming to someone’s aid. And many of us have benefited personally from ‘Samaritan’ assistance. So, why are we so slow to lend a hand or stop wrong-doing when it is so blatantly displayed in our presence?
Asaph rebuked the leaders of his day in the eighty-second Psalm, telling them there were things they must do; things that were right and good, regardless of worry or fear of what others might think or do. He told them to stop defending the unjust and wicked!
We, like those rulers, must heed Asaph’s words.

“LORD, cause us to heed Asaph’s instruction. Teach us to discern the just from the unjust, and defend the just without fear. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Greatest Treasure of All

When a man found it, he hid it again … and sold all he had and bought that field.
Matthew 13:44

Chris turned off the trail and struck out in a more direct line toward home. He’d never been through this part of the forest, but he was tired and wanted to get home. As he ventured on, he recalled stories from childhood his father had told about people getting lost in this part of the woods.
Pressing on, Chris came upon an old stone foundation. It appeared to have been a large structure in its day. His weariness momentarily forgotten, Chris decided to investigate.
Walking the foundation’s perimeter, Chris discovered the entrance to an old cellar. It appeared to have been covered by dirt and weeds until recently when the rotting wood had given way, sagging into the stairway and revealing the cellar’s existence.
Pulling a flashlight from his pack, he carefully descended the rickety steps.
Chris stood in shocked awe. The beam illuminated shelves lining all four walls. On those shelves were crates of paintings, firearms, stacks of Confederate money, and silver tea sets.
“Someone’s Civil War plunder!” he said in hushed amazement.
Determining to keep this a secret, Chris gently placed the old door back in place and sifted dirt over it. He would find out who owned this property and do whatever was necessary to purchase it!
Like the man in today’s parable, Chris had to sell everything he owned to purchase his hidden treasure; his investment was but a fraction of the return.
Chris was quite fortunate; he hadn't set out looking for treasure, only a quicker way home. He could have continued on in his haste; instead he chose to investigate. The cellar door could have remained covered, or the cellar could have been empty. But they weren't, and a great treasure was discovered!
God’s Word reveals the greatest treasure of all: salvation with eternal life!
God’s desire is that we would stop along life’s journey, investigate the treasure’s value, and then decide for ourselves if the return is worth the investment.

“Lord, lead me into my inheritance. Reveal its value to my heart that I would seek nothing more and settle for nothing less. Amen.”

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Representing the King

They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me…I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message…
John 17:8, 20

A flash of sunlight glinted off Carolyn’s bracelet as she walked along the wooded path. Immediately, she began praying for Jenna, the waitress she’d met only two days before.
Carolyn was a prayer warrior, an intercessor for God. God had gifted her with the ability to meet and befriend total strangers, spending time getting to know them in an effort to be God’s emissary. At some point in the conversation Carolyn would ask if they had any prayer needs. It was a rare occurrence when a need was not spoken.
As she concluded praying for Jenna, she glanced once more at her bracelet. This was how she remembered the people she’d committed to pray for. People like Jenna, the struggling single-mother of three, and young William from Haiti, who’d come here looking for a better life for his family.
Individual heart-shaped charms represented a specific need; on each charm was a name with a one-word prayer-focus reminder. With more than twenty charms, this bracelet represented the people God had given her to care for.
What a clear picture of purpose in love; seeking those who are tired and alone, wanting only to show them that their Heavenly Father cares by bringing their needs to Him in prayer.
Jesus, in John’s seventeenth chapter, says those God sent Him to minister to knew He was God’s Representative. He also reminded the Father that He had given these precious souls to Him for safekeeping. In verse twenty-six, Jesus prays, “I have made you known to them.” He had gone to the Nations and people with the expressed purpose of securing their salvation and deliverance from judgment. His prayer was that they would become one with the Father as He is one with the Father. His prayer included us.
We have the privilege of being the King’s representative, making Him known to those in need. If we listen attentively, we can be led to those who are eager to know He cared enough to send us.


“I was created to be a representation of Your love, Lord Jesus. As I go through this day lead me to someone who needs to know You care. Amen.”

Monday, May 12, 2014

Shell Judging

The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart
1 Samuel 16:7

The woman on television was stunning, quite beautiful actually. John immediately felt conviction for more than just a casual appreciation of her beauty. He looked across the room at his beautiful wife. Why did he feel like he’d just cheated on her? There was no sexual attraction to the woman on TV, so why the conviction?
Just then John heard God whisper, “How do you feel about the woman standing behind her, John?” Until that moment he hadn't even noticed the other woman. Shifting his attention, John’s initial assessment was that she was somewhat overweight and not as well dressed as the object of his discomfort.
God’s revelation was profound, “She’s as beautiful to me as your wife is to you, John. Her heart longs for fulfillment and joy. She has hopes and aspirations, virtue and gifts, just as the woman in the foreground. You are suffering from a human condition, John; shell judging. Their shells are only physical, temporal. One day soon they will be gone, and in their place immortal, eternal spirits will be set free from the bondage of human judgment.”
As sure as John was that God had revealed a spiritual character defect, he was equally sure that it wouldn't be an easy one to change.
“Ask for My eyes and heart, John,” God counseled. “You will never see people correctly unless you ask.”
Physical beauty is measured by outward appearance and is something the world holds in high esteem. True value and lasting virtue comes from a much deeper place. A place only God sees without our ‘looks’ slowing Him down. To Him we all look the same, beautiful! Sadly, many of us can’t see past the outer shell to a person’s soul, where true beauty and worth is revealed.
Psalm 139:14 says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. It does not say anything about physical beauty.
Isaiah 53:2 says, speaking of Jesus, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him.”
I wonder; if Jesus were to show up in a crowd of two, would we notice Him?

“Give me Your eyes to see and Your heart to discern, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Sunday, May 11, 2014


And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Romans 5:5

They each held a fist full of violets as they rode the thirty minutes to see Gramma in the nursing home. They were so proud of picking them—one or two at a time—from the blanket of little flowers covering the plush grass under the grape arbor.
The sisters had picked until they had what amounted to two brilliant bouquets of blue, purple, and white love! With smiles that matched the joy in their heart and climbing on stools to be seen, they held them at arms length and announced, “Here!” Gramma, who’d had a stroke recently, managed a smile. Delighted Gramma had liked their present, the little girls jumped from their stools and ran from the room, heading for their next encounter with life.
Shaking their heads and smiling, Mom and Dad watched as the girls flew out the door. They continued to sit at Gramma’s bedside, marveling at the vitality of life. In two, it was increasing; in one, it declined, and through it all, the love remained alive, attentive, and selfless. As a tear slipped from Mom’s cheek to the collar of her dress, she thanked God for creating flowers so little girls could use them to say, “I love you!”
The cycle of life retains a hope for the future. In each little kindness, we reflect the love of God that His Spirit produces in us. As we grow older, we become more sensitive to His leading and to the gifts He gives us along life’s journey.
As flowers bloom in season, we too develop into something beautiful as we draw nearer to God. We are blessed with special moments and memories that construct the substance of life. In those memories lies hope for the future.

“Father of love, thank You for giving me relationships that cause my heart to soar and tumble with the events of life. May hope be seen in my life as I do my best to reflect the presence of Your Holy Spirit. Forgive me when it doesn't and help me adjust my attitude. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Someone’s Gotta Move

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.
John 16:13

“The worship team is still in a state of flux,” Pastor David confided. He and Bruce had been praying God would provide the perfect worship leader for more than a year. Yet, no one had emerged as a clear candidate. Several people wanted the position, but David and the church leadership hadn't felt God’s confirmation in any of those cases.
Then one Sunday a couple months ago Ron and his wife showed up at church, and began attending services regularly.
“Ron led worship and was youth pastor at a previous appointment,” David said. “I've been praying that God will make His intentions clear. I actually prayed, ‘If it’s of Your will that Ron be positioned as worship leader, Lord, You have him come to me and ask about it.’”
It occurred to Bruce that Ron, having recently been through a church-split, might be praying the very same type of prayer. He chose his words carefully, “David, I know your heart. But what if Ron is praying the same prayer as you? ‘Lord, if this is where You want me to serve, then You make it happen.’ He’s never going to ask you, and you’re never going to ask him. And the perfect candidate for worship leader will languish, right along with your church.” He paused a couple heartbeats, “If that’s the case, then someone’s gotta move. It might be wise to leave yourself open to the possibility that that person might be you.”
If we set the parameters of God’s response to our prayers we effectively limit where and how He can resolve the situation. God will not violate free will, even in answer to prayer. And, He will not force us to listen. So if His answer is not what we expected, we can miss His leading.
John, in today’s passage, wrote that God’s Spirit would come and guide us into all truth; but only if we remain open to His suggestions.
The truth is He may ask us to move in order to affect the desired results.

“Help me to listen for Your response to my prayers instead of placing restraints on my requests, Lord. Make me sensitive to Your Spirit. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Friday, May 9, 2014

From Deep Inside

They will sparkle … like jewels in a crown.
Zechariah 9:16

As he studied the stone through his magnifying monocle, the jeweler could see that this last facet needed only a bit more polishing to make it perfect. Placing the stone jig against the polishing wheel and adding just the right pressure, he proceeded to remove the final flaw from the gem.
“There, that is enough!” he whispered breathlessly. Raising the stone so he could examine it once more, he found it exquisite. “The king deserves only the best!”
If the jeweler found it acceptable, the king would be thrilled! And so he should be, for the jeweler had spent many hours cutting this diamond. He had chosen just the right stone for clarity and color. “This stone’s brilliance shall be unmatched.”
The master jeweler took great pride in producing only the highest quality gemstones for those who could afford his services. He knew that not all diamonds were clear or white. Many were imbued with translucent, clear-as-glass colors, making them even more precious than white diamonds. This stone, chosen from one of the king’s own mines, was a deep blue, its worth beyond measure. There wasn't another stone like this anywhere. “Perfect! It shines from its depths!”
Gemstones are formed under great pressure. Many centuries of compression are necessary to turn coal and other porous rock into hardened, gem-quality diamonds, rubies, or emeralds.
The same is true of our Christian walk. We are subjected to the extreme pressures of temptation, trials, and the demands of daily living.
As the jeweler labored over the precious stone, his expertise and love for his trade brought forth a masterpiece. He knew that a stone’s brilliance comes from inside, revealed by the skill and experience of the jeweler.
God labors over us with the skill of the Master, desiring to bring out the best in each of us. He knows exactly how much pressure is required to produce a gem-quality masterpiece. When we have been hardened correctly, He sets to work cutting and polishing our facets so that we might shine, reflecting the light inside.

“Help me bear up under the pressure and polishing, Lord. Make me a perfect jewel! In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Teach With Creative Wisdom

The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life,
Proverbs 13:14

“This is stupid!” Jason’s frustration was directed at his homework assignment.
“Watch your mouth young man!” his mother admonished. “What are you complaining about?”
“Math! I hate it!” he spat. “Why’s it so important that I know how to divide fractions? I’m never gonna use this stuff when I grow up anyway!”
Seeing an opportunity to change her son’s frustration into curiosity, she asked, “You want to help your dad build houses someday, right?”
“Yah…” Jason answered tentatively. “What’s that got to do with math homework?”
“Well, your dad uses math all the time,” she said. “As a matter of fact, that tape measure you’re so fond of playing with is math-on-a-stick.”
“No way!” Jason said.
“Yes way!” she said smiling. “Have you ever looked closely at the lines and numbers painted on the yellow surface of the tape?”
“Sure, I've seen em,” he answered. “Dad makes marks beside ‘em. That’s what I’m talkin’ bout!” Jason said victoriously. “You don’t need math to use a tape measure…it’s got the numbers already printed out for ya. All you gotta do is mark where the numbers tell ya to.”
“How will you know which numbers to make a mark beside if you don’t know how to add, subtract, or divide?” she quietly asked.
“Dad’ll teach me!” he said confidently.
“Dad’ll be teaching you how to do math then,” she said.
The look of surprise on his face told her that her son needed a minute to think about that.
“Dad uses math?” came his bewildered response.
“Couldn't do his job without it,” she said.
We, as parents, have the opportunity to create curiosity and wonder in the minds of our children. We can make learning exciting by attaching significance to their field of study.
And like Jason’s mother, we need to be creative.
In verse 13 Solomon says whoever scorns instruction will suffer. Our children are the ones who will suffer if we fail to make learning exciting and desirable. Solomon also says that whoever teaches with wisdom is passing on life…life that will see our children contributing in great ways to God’s kingdom in society.

“Omniscient Father, give me the imagination and creative wisdom necessary to help my children enjoy learning. Amen.”

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Curb

And this is love: that we walk in obedience …
2 John 1:6

Winnie stared at the curb, wondering why Daddy had warned her that it was out of bounds. In her four-year-old mind, she couldn't understand how a curb could be a boundary; it looked to be quite safe. She didn't understand boundaries. But Daddy had spanked her once when he’d caught her sitting on the curb, so it must be more dangerous than it appeared.
She didn't remember feeling scared while sitting on it. But Daddy had been so upset that he had actually shouted at her, and Daddy never shouted.
Winnie walked closer to the curb, staring at it as if it were about to tell her the secret danger it presented. But nothing happened. “Oh well. Maybe Daddy is wrong.”
As Winnie started to turn away, she looked across the street. Mattie, Winnie’s cat, came out from behind the neighbor’s house. She’d been rummaging through the neighborhood. Seeing Winnie, Mattie began bounding in her direction. As Winnie watched, Mattie ran into the road at the same time the next-door neighbor arrived home from work. Amid the squeal of tires, accompanied by an accelerated heart rate for the driver and Winnie, Mattie managed to leap out of harm’s way! In that moment, Winnie received new understanding in regard to the curb. She scooped Mattie into her arms and scolded her, “I warned you to stay away from the curb! It’s dangerous! Do you hear me?”
Crossing the curb represented disobedience and a total disregard for authority. Like Winnie, we may not see any immediate danger and think, “Maybe God didn't say … ” In disobedience, we push on; the lines become blurred, and God’s commands and authority become mute.
We know we shouldn't be there; yet each time we cross the line, we lose a little more sense of the impending danger, and we lose a little more respect for the One in authority. If we persist in disobedience, we eventually find ourselves standing on the wrong side of a chasm we cannot cross on our own. It’s in that moment we recall the Holy Spirit’s warning, “Please, stay away from the curb.”

“Forgive me for my disobedience, Father. Help me to accept without question the limits You place in my life. Amen.”

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I Am the Greatest

Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Romans 5:3–4

“C’mon, James!” Lester pleaded. “Just throw me a few pitches, pleeeeease? I won’t ever ask again—I promise!”
“I can’t, buddy. I gotta get to work. Just toss it up and hit it like I showed you.”
Disappointed, Lester headed out behind the barn to do as James suggested. “Maaaaan.” The word dragged out. “How am I ever gonna be the greatest?”
But Lester, being who he was, made the best of things.
Imagining the hay field was Yankee Stadium, he tossed the ball into the air; it hit the top of its arc and began its descent. Lester hauled his bat back and swung, missing the ball completely. “Strike one!” he declared. Undeterred, he picked up the ball and repeated the process, this time tossing the ball a little higher, giving himself more time to prepare. The ball came down; Lester swung and missed again. “Strike two!” his mother heard him cry.
Taking a break from hanging out laundry, she peeked around the corner of the barn in time to see her youngest son retrieve the ball and launch it skyward once more. The toss was perfect! She watched the ball drop as Lester timed his swing. He swung for the fence and missed a third time. “Strike three!” he hollered. “You’re out!” What she heard next made her giggle. “I am the greatest; that is a fact. But even I didn't know I could pitch like that!”
Lester’s hope-filled character is a lesson for us all; Lester’s spirit prevailed. In his mind, he succeeded in spite of his apparent failure. He chose to view things from a lofty perspective. He saw himself as a victor no matter what it looked like in the natural.
In each of our disappointments, God includes a lesson for our benefit. These are character-building moments. If we lose hope and allow disappointing results to influence us negatively, we miss an opportunity to learn and grow. If we seek to learn the lesson God provides, we gain understanding.
Are you the greatest? The choice is up to you.

“Sometimes it seems as if I fail, Lord. Teach me to see with eyes of hope instead of a heart of discouragement. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Monday, May 5, 2014

Incline Thine Ear

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
Proverbs 4:20 KJV

Janelle bundled the covers around her hands and pressed them tightly against her ears. She was hoping that by doing so she’d be able to shut out the sirens and street noises below. But it was to no avail…her first night in their new apartment felt like anything but the honeymoon they’d just returned from.
Sleeping soundly, her husband, Jim, was oblivious to his wife’s plight.
How is that possible?! she wondered. Is he deaf?!
Sometime around 3:30am exhaustion won out. In and out of fitful sleep she dozed, never really finding complete rest. When morning finally arrived, Jim was surprised to find Janelle sitting against the headboard sound asleep. He watched as her body involuntarily shuddered. After extended observation he realized her movements coincided with noises emanating from outside.
“Hey,” he spoke softly. Janelle stirred and opened her eyes. “You okay?” he asked.
“How can you sleep through all that racket?” she questioned.
“I’m sorry,” Jim responded sheepishly. “I should have warned you. But it’s been so long since I’ve heard the street at night that I forgot how loud it was when I first moved in here.” Drawing her close, he assured her, “After a while you’ll learn to tune the noises out. You’ll get used to it.”
It is possible, even for God-loving Christians, to ‘condition’ the ears of our heart to silence the whisper of the Holy Spirit. We tell ourselves we know what we can handle the problem…it’s okay to watch this…to allow our children to do this…to not respond when God nudges us about certain things.
When we don’t want to listen to God’s warnings we simply disregard His advice and go our own way. Done enough, we harden our heart in that area of our lives.
God instructs us to incline/focus the hearing of our hearts to His voice, not tune Him out, because He knows how easy it is for us to fool ourselves. Complete surrender to God isn't easy…but it is rewarding. It also keeps us out of a lot of unnecessary trouble.
Is there an area of your heart shut off to God? If so, ask Him to help you adjust your spiritual hearing.

“Help me, Holy Spirit, to listen for the sound of Your voice in every issue of my life. Amen.”

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Septic or Sanctified

But you were washed, you were sanctified.
1 Corinthians 6:11

Warren listened as the group discussed sanctification. There were varying perspectives, but the main assumption was they were saved, and that was enough. He smiled as he recalled the vision God had given him a few years before at a time when he had felt the same.
“Think of it this way, Warren,” God began. “You’re struggling through life, doing the best you can. But then you realize you’re standing up to your chin in a septic tank. In your revelation, you determine that you cannot get out of the tank on your own, yet you come to believe that Someone else has the power to lift you out of the stench and onto solid ground, i.e., salvation.
“Let’s say you accept His offer to be removed from your helpless situation, and He lifts you out of the mire and stench. In that moment, you are saved—but you still stink! You are still covered in contaminants that must be removed so you can be free of the vile things in your life. That is the process of sanctification. Unless you allow Me to wash away the dirt a little at a time, you will continue to smell like the world.” Warren smiled as he shared with them God’s desire that we be washed in the water of sanctification.
For many Christians, there is a sense of complete relief when they receive salvation, and that’s as far as they care to venture. Their lives are filled with things they would need to give up if they intended to come into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. They don’t care that they still stink like the world; saved is good enough.
Others don’t know there is more. So they continue on in blissful ignorance, smelling, not knowing something can be done to ‘purify them.’
Some come to the knowledge that God wants more for us, and they set out to be washed in the waters of sanctification only to become uncomfortable, stopping part way through the process. God’s desire is that we make a life-long commitment to sanctification, and in doing so, find unknown depths of cleansing!

“I still have an offensive aroma, Lord. Continue to wash me until I am completely clean. Amen.”

Saturday, May 3, 2014

My House…My Rules

And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?
Luke 16:12

“Sure,” Chet answered the caller, “the hall is available the Twenty-Third. I’ll put you on the calendar. Just remember, no alcohol and no smoking.” With that he hung up and wrote the caller’s name on the calendar, securing the hall for their wedding reception.
His final comment caused me to ask, “Do you get requests to rent the hall for wild parties?”
“You’d be surprised,” he said. “There was a group a few years ago,” he reminisced. “When they failed to return the key long after the appointed time, I went down to see what was going on. I walked in the back door and found two guys lying on the floor, drunk as skunks. I ignored them and went into the main hall. I’d never seen such a mess. And haven’t had one since,” he emphasized. “Whiskey bottles littered the floor. They’d had beer on ice in a couple large washtubs; both of which had been dumped on the floor; there was water everywhere.”
Chet chuckled as he shared how he’d handled the situation. “I grabbed those two by their collars, pulled them up off that floor, and ran them out the back door. I told ’em, ‘Take your money and get out! This is my house! When you come to my house you abide by my rules. If you can’t do that, don’t bother coming back!”
Respect of others and their property is something we learn the same as good manners and good moral character. If it is found lacking in someone it is generally because they were never taught how to behave themselves, whether at home or in public.
You never have to tell someone with good manners to respect someone else, or their property. It never enters their mind to disrespect someone.
Sadly, in our ‘it’s all about me’ society, self-interest presumes that because they paid to rent the space, they are entitled to bring their own set of rules to the party.
By failing to teach our children to respect others and their property, we are fostering an untrustworthy generation.

“Lord, may I treat others as if I’m doing it to You. Amen.”

Friday, May 2, 2014

Stay In The Race

Fear of men will prove to be a snare.
Proverbs 29:25

Speaking in regard to some friends who didn't believe as he did, Andrew began, “I was constantly arguing with them, trying to validate my position. I even showed them scripture to back it up. Didn't matter…they weren't listening.”
He continued, “I decided to talk to a godly friend outside my church. He patiently listened as I poured out my heart. ‘Andrew,’ he said when I’d finished, ‘I see you running a race. And you’re running well. You’re out ahead of everyone else and things are going well. But I hear the spectators on the sidelines jeering…telling you you’re running the wrong race. I see you leave the track and run up into the grandstands to argue with them.’”
Andrew paused a moment, remembering his friend’s words so he could quote them verbatim. When he continued his voice carried the power of the revelation he’d received, “He put his hand on my shoulder. ‘Andrew,’ he said, ‘even if you win the argument, you’ll lose the race. Don’t waste time vindicating yourself. Just run the race God set before you and let Him handle the crowd.’
Andrew smiled, “That one statement wiped away years of frustration and completely changed my perspective. And it’s kept me focused on the work God wants me to do instead of on what men think about what I’m doing.”
In our need for affirmation, it’s easy to let what others think dictate our actions and behavior. And while we should always, in humility, consider the welfare of others, we must never allow their opinion to hinder our taking action upon God’s intended purpose for our lives.
When God gives us a directive there should be no discussion in which we look to affirm His instruction through human intervention. Although it is wise to seek godly counsel in implementing the process by which we act, it should never deter us from the course set before us.
Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not a human, that He should lie.” Therefore, if He tells you to do something, don’t leave the race to argue in the grandstands.

“Help me put to death the fear of men, LORD, that I might run the race with the singular purpose to carry out Your will for my life. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Gun on the Bible on the Desk

In the beginning God created…
Genesis 1:1

Nicole walked into the pastor’s office to tell him two reporters from the New York Times were here to see him. That’s when she noticed the handgun lying on his Bible. Bemused, she asked, “Is that for our two guests?”
Following her line of sight, he smiled. “It’s a thought,” he teased, in light of the reason the reporters were here. They’d come to interview Pastor Ron and one of his parishioners.
Jack Newbrook, a science teacher at the local Middle School, had been embroiled in an employment-termination hearing for more than a year following the school board’s demanded that Jack remove all religious symbols, including his Bible, from his classroom. Jack had removed everything but his Bible, sighting his First Amendment right to leave it on his desk as long as he didn't teach from it. Terminated without pay pending the final ruling, the hearings had just passed their first anniversary. It had been a long battle.
As Pastor Ron locked the gun in his desk drawer, he explained to Nicole how the gun had come to be there. “I bought it from my brother-in-law. He was in town so he dropped it off to save me a trip.” Then on a mischievous note, he added, “But the Bible stays where it is. And if they mention it, I might just unlock this drawer.”
Though somewhat humorous, today’s scenario is disturbing. Regrettably, events like this take place on a daily basis in our public schools across America because the immoral-minority hates the sight of the Bible. To impose their ideology they must discredit it, part and whole, and are currently working toward that end by attacking “In the beginning…” with Evolution.
Satan is patient. He’s been around for millennia. A few short generations mean nothing if he can attain his objective. He’s fine with baby steps as long as the silent-majority passively play spectator, unwilling to engage in the controversy. Because given time without opposition, he’ll get what he’s after.
What will we do—or perhaps it will be our grandchildren—when they come to our homes and demand that we remove all religious symbols, including our Bibles?

“LORD, may I not be ashamed of my life’s purpose as a Christian, to influence the world for Jesus Christ. Amen.”