House…My Rules
And if you have not been trustworthy
with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your
Luke 16:12
“Sure,” Chet answered the caller,
“the hall is available the Twenty-Third. I’ll put you on the
calendar. Just remember, no alcohol and no smoking.” With that he
hung up and wrote the caller’s name on the calendar, securing the
hall for their wedding reception.
His final comment caused me to ask, “Do
you get requests to rent the hall for wild parties?”
“You’d be surprised,” he said.
“There was a group a few years ago,” he reminisced. “When they
failed to return the key long after the appointed time, I went down
to see what was going on. I walked in the back door and found two
guys lying on the floor, drunk as skunks. I ignored them and went
into the main hall. I’d never seen such a mess. And haven’t had
one since,” he emphasized. “Whiskey bottles littered the floor.
They’d had beer on ice in a couple large washtubs; both of which
had been dumped on the floor; there was water everywhere.”
Chet chuckled as he shared how he’d
handled the situation. “I grabbed those two by their collars,
pulled them up off that floor, and ran them out the back door. I told
’em, ‘Take your money and get out! This is my house! When
you come to my house you abide by my rules. If you
can’t do that, don’t bother coming back!”
Respect of others and their property is
something we learn the same as good manners and good moral character.
If it is found lacking in someone it is generally because they were
never taught how to behave themselves, whether at home or in public.
You never have to tell someone with
good manners to respect someone else, or their property. It never
enters their mind to disrespect someone.
Sadly, in our ‘it’s all about
me’ society, self-interest presumes that because they paid to
rent the space, they are entitled to bring their own set of rules to
the party.
By failing to teach our children to
respect others and their property, we are fostering an untrustworthy
“Lord, may I treat
others as if I’m doing it to You. Amen.”
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