Thursday, May 29, 2014

It’s All About A Choice

Listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.
Deuteronomy 30:20

Aaron didn't have the tool he needed to fix his wife’s rocker, so he headed to the local hardware store.
“Hey Keith! How you doin’?” he greeted the owner.
“I’m good.” Keith responded, then asked, “How about you?”
“I’m great!” Aaron said enthusiastically.
Keith looked up from his task at the counter and quipped, “Don’t worry. It won’t last.”
“Maybe, maybe not. But as long as it does, I’m gonna ride it out! Besides,” he countered, “I believe this just might last forever!”
“I’m telling you, it won’t!” Keith bantered, chuckling, “but you go ahead and try to hang on to it for as long as you can, Bubba!”
Aaron got the tool he needed and bid Keith farewell. On the drive home, he smiled about his good-natured exchange with his long-time friend. Yet, even as he smiled he could hear God whisper: “Life, and what happens to you during it, is about how you choose to view your circumstances. And although keeping a positive perspective isn't always easy, it is preferable. Today you chose well. Continue to choose wisely.”
Aaron just smiled.
The lyrics of the song ‘Jesus Calling’ by Christian Music Recording Artists, 33 Miles, speak of how God wants us to approach life…no matter our circumstances. The last line of the first and second verses says, “And how you see your circumstance is all about a choice.” This is more than an implication. While embroiled in the trials of life, we do have a choice of perspective. As you read the chorus, ask God to help you listen while you’re interacting with life.
“When you see the rushing wind, feel the pouring rain, hear the thunder now, as the clouds roll in, and your blinded by the lightning, do you also hear that still small voice saying, It’s okay, you’re not alone, you may be scared to death, but I won’t let you go. You may think the sky above is falling, but can you hear Jesus calling?”

“Lord of peace, may I always choose to listen for your still, small voice in the storms of life. May my perspective be one that finds it’s origins in Your encouraging love. Amen.”

Inspired by the song, It’s All About A Choice by Christian recording artists, 33 mile

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