Friday, May 30, 2014


… while we wait …
Titus 2:13

The Sunday school teacher placed one marshmallow in front of each of her ten students. “Please wait to eat your marshmallow until I say it’s all right. Once I give you permission, you are free to eat it. I must leave the room. If you wait to eat your marshmallow until I return, I will give you a second marshmallow. If you choose to eat it before I return, you will not receive a second one.” With that, she left the room.
Six of the children immediately grabbed and ate their marshmallow.
Three children sat patiently, hands in their laps, watching their peers enjoy the tasty treat.
As time passed, the wait showed on one little boy. Just as he grabbed his marshmallow, the teacher opened the door! The boy slowly placed it back on the table.
The teacher acknowledged the four children’s restraint. “You didn't give in to a desire to eat your marshmallow.” Placing a second marshmallow in front of them, she continued, “Here is your reward for waiting.”
She then announced, “I must leave again. If both marshmallows are uneaten when I return, I will give you two more.” The kids who had eaten their marshmallow were visibly disappointed. “For those who ate their marshmallow, if you will remain seated and silent until I return, I will give you one more marshmallow.” With consequences versus reward fresh in their minds, the six remained quietly in their seats.
The temptation to eat our marshmallows is great. Without hesitation, many of us devour them without a second thought. The hope within the promise isn't tangible enough to discipline our desires. But once we witness the reward of self-discipline, we gain new perspective, one that gives us hope.
“While we wait” is not a passive proclamation. It is an action-filled opportunity to bring ourselves under the control of Someone else in the hope of being rewarded with a life more like Christ’s, full of love, joy, and peace.
Watching someone else do it gives us hope. Our struggle gets easier as we experience the reward.

“The temptation is great, Lord. I can’t do this on my own, I need Your help. Teach me to wait on Your reward. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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