Monday, May 26, 2014

The Supreme Sacrifice

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13 KJV

As I listened to the 2011 Memorial Day address, I thought of how so many had given so much for our freedom. Many families in our small community had sons and daughters in harms way, in a hostile land. But one individual here knew the pain of supreme sacrifice. Charles and Judy Goare’s son, Shamus had been killed in Afghanistan, and Judy was in attendance to honor their son.
I was reminded of another difficult and bittersweet day for the Goares: “Mr. President,” Senator Mike DeWine announced in the December 8, 2006 Session. “This afternoon I would like to pay tribute to Army Staff Sergeant Shamus Goare from Danville, Ohio. He was killed on June 28, 2005, when his helicopter was shot down over Afghanistan.”
Midway through his tribute the Senator shared, “Mr. President, shortly before his death Shamus received a Medal of Valor for humanitarian work in Afghanistan. Shamus was working with children, which was something his father said he dearly loved…Life in the military was a good fit for Shamus. It led him to a series of selfless and compassionate acts of heroism, many of which he could not divulge to his family due to the nature of his work with the 160th’s Night Stalkers. And true to their motto, Shamus never quit—even to the very end.
Following the service I, as well as many others, hugged Judy and thanked her for Shamus, for his life and sacrifice, and for our freedom. In that tearful embrace Judy responded, “You are so welcome…thank you for remembering my son.”
There is no way we can repay the Shamus, Judy, and Charlie Goares of this Nation. Neither can we repay Jesus for the supreme sacrifice He made on our behalf.
Shamus died so that we might live in freedom from tyranny and oppression, able to enjoy the freedom to worship as we choose.
Jesus died to give us complete freedom, freedom from the penalty sin demands, and the freedom to spend eternity with Him. Greater love hath no man than this.

“Father of Comfort, be with those who have lost loved ones who have served to keep me free. And thank You for true eternal freedom through the death of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.”

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