Sunday, October 28, 2018

Big, Mean Bully

The Lord disciplines those he loves.
Proverbs 3:12

As the story unfolded, the boys related how they’d found some “giant ant hills.” And, as boys do, they decided to rid the neighborhood of them. Having procured some gasoline and stick matches, they saturated the hills with gas, stood back, and threw a lighted match. The ensuing explosion sent embers flying in every direction, hence the large grassfire. Running to the nearest house, they had alerted the owner, who called 911.
As the fire trucks pulled away, Jamie, standing beside his father, asked, “Is God gonna punish me for startin’ that fire?”
Looking at his nine-year-old son, Luther wondered, Where do we get this picture of a big, mean God waiting to punish us?
He said, “No, Jamie, God is not going to punish you. But do you understand all three of you could have been badly burned or killed today? And you could have burned people’s homes to the ground.”
They walked a little farther, and Luther said, “God isn’t going to punish you, Jamie. I, however, am. Because of your little escapade, you’re grounded for two weeks. No contact with Bruce or Stevie during that time. And you will call Mr. Breece to see if he wants you to help him clean up his property. Is that understood?”
“Yes. I’m sorry. We were just tryin’ to kill those ants was all.” He sounded so forlorn; Luther had to turn his head to keep Jamie from seeing his smile.
God is not a big, mean bully, arbitrarily punishing us for our mistakes. He does, however, discipline those He calls sons and daughters. I’ve not met a loving father who didn’t reprimand his children when they’ve done wrong.
Like Luther with Jamie, God disciplines us to keep us from harming others or ourselves. His discipline is not indiscriminate or ambiguous. It is intended to teach us how to eliminate unnecessary trouble from our lives.
To do that, God first instructs us; when instruction fails, He is forced to gain our attention with love-driven discipline.
Rebellion and mistakes have consequences. Most, if not all, could be avoided by heeding our Father’s instruction.

“Father God, teach me to listen to Your instruction. Discipline me for my own sake when I’m rebellious. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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