Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Root of Jesse

From his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
Isaiah 11:1

They planted the sapling in the corner of the yard. “Daddy,” his young daughter questioned, “can we use it for a Christmas tree someday?”
He chuckled at her optimism; she saw potential in this small, vulnerable sapling. “You bet, honey. We’ll nurture it to make it the best Christmas tree ever.”
She cocked her head curiously. “What does nurture mean, Daddy?”
“It means we’ll need to love this tiny tree, honey, and treat it with tenderness. We’ll need to cut away dead branches and unwanted growth. We’ll have to make sure the roots have a chance to grow deep so it will grow big and strong.”
Then, as an afterthought, he added, “The weather will actually cause the roots to grow deeper. As the wind and rain, sun, and cold weather beat down on the sapling above ground, the little tree will tell its roots to grow deeper, giving it the ability to stand against the harshest weather.”
So for eight years they nurtured the tree, shaping it by cutting back unwanted growth.
Over time, the pine grew strong and tall. Then something unexpected happened. Birds began building their nests in the tree’s sheltering branches and ate its pine nuts for life-giving nourishment.
When the time came to harvest the tree, the girl decided to leave it for God’s wildlife. And instead of cutting it down, they decorated it right where it stood, giving the birds the most beautiful home in the neighborhood.
Our heavenly Father is also optimistic when He looks at us. He sees great potential in each of us. He wants to be our refuge when spiritual winds blow, nurturing us, growing us to maturity.
When we are assaulted by spiritual elements, He patiently waits for us to seek His assistance. As we come, He prunes away unwanted, sinful growth, leaving us stronger and better equipped to stand against the trials of life.
As we grow, we can see our roots being anchored in the root of Jesse. Only there will we find the spiritual nourishment necessary for our own sustenance and be able to bear fruit for His kingdom.

“Lord, grow my roots deeper. Make me a strong branch, able to bear fruit for those in need. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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