Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Selfish Trinity

Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought.
Romans 12:3

During a work session to repair a parishioner’s house, the pastor pulled one volunteer aside, away from listening ears. “John, I need to speak with you about something.”
Having John’s undivided attention, he forged ahead. “God wants to use each of us, and your assistance here is very much appreciated.”
He noticed a look of boredom dawn in John’s eyes. “John, your attitude and actions scream, “Look at me!” You make people uncomfortable, and you effectively steal the blessing God—”
“Look, Pastor,” John cut him off. “I hear you. But quite honestly, I do things the way I want, or I don’t do them. Is that a problem?” You could tell he expected the pastor to back off, believing they couldn’t get along without him.
What happened next took John by surprise. “It’s a big problem, John. And I surely won’t force you to make changes you’re not willing to make. But if you choose to continue treating others with disdain, I must ask you to leave. And I mean our church, John, not just this project.”
Taken aback, John responded in anger. “Fine! I don’t need your high-and-mighty church!” he said forcefully and left, slamming the door on the way out.
The mood in the house changed almost immediately; it was as though a dark cloud had been lifted.
John suffers from a case of the selfish trinity: me, myself, and I.
Some would say the pastor was too strict. On the contrary: pride is a sinister root, which if allowed to propagate, will pollute and choke out healthy roots.
It led to the fall of mankind; Satan decided to elevate himself above the throne of God and in doing so set in motion a series of events that led to his and a third of the angels’ eviction from heaven; thus sin entered the world.
It is so subtle that we rarely, if ever, realize our own pride.
So in His mercy, God sends His Spirit to convict us. When convicted of any pride in our lives, we should humble ourselves before God and deal with the issue.

“Is there any pride in me, Lord? If so, help me put it to death so I might be humble before You. Amen.”

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