Saturday, October 6, 2018

Just One Thing

But one thing I do.
Philippians 3:13b

Byron had asked Shane to run for a seat on city council. “Look, Shane, I understand your reluctance, but think about it.”
“I hear what you’re saying. I’m just not sure I agree. There’ll be many opposed to my holding political office if they find out about my past. You know campaigns are anything but private, and the other camp will surely dredge it up.”
Shane wasn’t afraid of being found out; he just didn’t want to drag his family through an unnecessary mudslinging contest.
Sixteen years ago, he’d been arrested for possession of marijuana and cocaine and had done a short stint in the county jail. He’d gotten clean and stayed that way. Yet he knew society could be a cruel reminder.
But Byron had witnessed the change in Shane and appreciated how he approached life today. “At least discuss it with Carol and see how she feels.”
That evening, Shane posed the question to his wife. “What would you think about me running for the vacant city council seat next November?”
“I think you will be a good councilman,” she said with finality and a twinkle in her eye. She understood his concern; she just wasn’t going to let it dictate their lives. If it came up, so be it. It was what he did, not who he was.
Shane was sworn in on a windy and cold January evening and would faithfully serve the City of Grayson, being reelected to six consecutive terms.
We all have pasts and have fallen short of the mark. Too many of us let those mistakes define who we are today. If our personal sin were laid bare for all to see, we would cease throwing stones of incrimination, and we would judge less critically.
Paul was aware of his shortcomings to the point of listing many of them in the hope that others would understand the importance of not allowing past mistakes to affect present performance. So I emphasize his words for you: “Forgetting what is behind, and straining forward, I press on!” Do just that one thing; press on!

“Forgive my mistakes, Lord. Help me not allow what I’ve done in the past dictate who I am in You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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