Tuesday, December 1, 2020

 Prophet and Provider

Surely this is the Prophet who is come into the world.

John 6:14

Gwen stood completely still, not wanting to disturb the deer that had come to the saltlick in her backyard. She had come out on the deck to replenish the bird feeders and discovered a doe and her two yearlings eating hungrily from one of the mineral blocks Gwen’s husband, Shaun, had set out for the wildlife in light of the harsh winter months.

The doe finally noticed Gwen, yet somehow recognized she was not a threat and therefore didn’t respond in the normal preservation-driven act of flight. They nibbled away as Gwen watched. From time to time one would surreptitiously watch the human in the funny-looking tree and then return to eating. Their acceptance of Gwen’s close proximity made her wonder if they somehow knew this human was the provider of the life-giving substance they so hungrily accepted.

As Gwen began to feel chilled, she slowly retreated to the warmth of her kitchen to observe the deer until they had eaten their fill. Watching their struggle for survival triggered a deep sense of awe in Gwen. She was moved by the knowledge that God was using her and Shaun to provide sustenance for His Creation.

The crowds on the shores of the Sea of Galilee were enamored with Jesus because of the great works he had done. Feeding over five thousand men, not to mention women and children, was something to take notice of! They believed this work showed Jesus to be the great prophet who would be like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15).

And because He had met their physical need, they missed His true identity. And that’s what Jesus told them when, the very next day, they came looking for Him.

He proclaimed a new message: that what He came to provide was life everlasting; more than physical, it was spiritually eternal.

Jesus came to provide nourishment that endures forever. And the food He provides never spoils. He has come so that we no longer have to hunger and thirst for eternity. As we partake of His Living Word, we are nourished and well fed.


“Thank You, Father, for Your perfect provision in Jesus Christ. Create in me a desire to continually feed on Your Living Word. Thank You for Jesus. Amen.”

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