Saturday, December 26, 2020

 Equipped with Pain

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Romans 8:18

Burt wasn’t as limber as he once was; his body took longer to recuperate. Cold winter mornings made it even harder to rid himself of the stiffness. Today he was hurting a bit more than usual because he had helped his son cut and split a load of firewood two days before; the second day always seems the worst.

As he allowed the shower to massage his aching body, Burt complained to God about additional physical suffering for what he considered a labor of love. “I can’t believe You’d allow me to experience added pain in this situation, Lord. I mean, I was spending quality time with my son! Why should it hurt so much?”

Strange conversation? Not really, Burt talked with God this way all the time. When God spoke, which was frequently in Burt’s case, it was always to make a point.

This morning, God was quick to remind Burt that in his earlier years as a student athlete he’d awakened on most Sunday mornings stiff and sore without complaint. It was all part of playing sports. “So why, Burt, at fifty-five, do you feel like I’ve betrayed you?” God asked.

“So You think I’m feeling sorry for myself?” Burt countered.

Burt wasn’t positive, but he thought he heard God say, “Sorry, Burt. But they chose to eat the fruit.”

Pain—physical, emotional, and spiritual—is the result of one act of disobedience. And each act of disobedience on our part will exacerbate the effect. It may not seem fair because we didn’t ask for it. But until this life is over, that’s the way it is.

Paul said that we have Jesus’ promise that what we endure today is not to be compared to what we are going to inherit. Jesus believed in us so profoundly that he set aside his crown and endured a pain-filled life of His own. Though this life is equipped with pain, hold on and look to your future glory!


“Lord, when I’m out of strength, revive me. When I feel like giving in, come to my rescue. Help me look to eternity as I walk through today’s pain. Amen.”

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