Wednesday, December 9, 2020

 Grace in Temptation

Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Hebrews 2:18

Tanya and Joyce had been best friends since third grade. They shared similar interests and hobbies; they even read the same books. In truth, they were closer than most sisters. So it was a surprise when Joyce told Tanya she was pregnant. “How could you let that happen?” Tanya all but shouted. “I mean … I know how it happened, but what were you thinking?”

“I don’t know, Tanya. We didn’t mean for it to go that far; then it was over. What am I gonna do? Daddy will kill me when he finds out!”

“Well, he doesn’t have to find out. Tell the school nurse you need an abortion. She’ll hook you up, and nobody will ever know.”

“I would know! I could never do that, Tanya! I can’t believe you’d even consider abortion as an option. What I did was wrong, but I’m not going to make my baby pay for my indiscretions. Besides, Stewart and I talked about getting married.”

“Okay, okay! I’m sorry. You just freaked me out for a second. And you know your dad won’t kill you. He may be disappointed and ticked off for a while, but he loves you, J’cee. You could always give the baby up for adoption, you know. Look, whatever you decide, I’m here.”

Jesus understands our temptation and forgives our iniquities when we turn from them and repent. His grace chases us until we stop running and patiently awaits our surrender. It’s ready to embrace us if we turn back after just one mistake, but has the ability to cover them all.

We may think that because Jesus was a man He couldn’t possibly understand the temptations women face. Scripture says He does understand; and He is waiting to help with a way of escape in the midst of the temptation, but will comfort and forgive us if we fail to accept that way of escape. He just wants us to know that He is prepared to meet us where we are.


“Lord, I’m in need of Your grace more than ever. Please guide me to a place of safety and shelter. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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