Thursday, December 31, 2020

 New Each Day

For his compassions never fail. They are new every morning.

Lamentations 3:22, 23

“So what’s your New Year’s resolution?” Regan asked.

“I’m not making one,” Willie answered. “The last two resolutions I made, I had no intention of keeping. Why should I set goals I don’t plan to keep?”

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” Regan said in challenge.

“Why’s it so important that I decide to do something positive for myself on New Year’s Eve?” Willie countered. “I mean, I can make constructive changes to my life any day of the year. So why does it have to be right now, today?” he said with emphasis.

“Well … ” Regan paused, pondering the truth in Willie’s comment. It dawned on her that she might be doing something out of a misguided purpose. Whether he knew it or had just stumbled upon it by accident, there was validity in what Willie said. She finally answered, “Well, I guess I make a commitment each New Year’s Eve because it’s what I’ve always done.” Struck by a deeper thought, she pondered aloud, “Does that make it wrong?”

“No, I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong,” Willie responded; pausing a moment, he added, “But I’ve seen so many people set goals with good intentions, and when they didn’t follow through, they wound up discouraged with a sense of defeat. I just think there’s more to why we make lifestyle changes than when we decide to make them.”

Willie makes a valid point; when is not as important as why we do things. I’m not advocating that people stop making New Year’s resolutions. If you purposefully commit to your goals, you can certainly attain life-changing experiences. The truth is that if we desire, we can commit to those experiences any day of the year. We need not wait until December 31 to change the way we live.

God wants us to understand that we can bring before Him anything, anytime. As His Word says, His compassions—His ability to forgive and offer us a fresh start—are new each day.


“Father of forgiveness and life, help me live more for You in this next year than I did in the past. And if I fail one day, lift me up and help me make a new start. Amen.”

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