Thursday, November 19, 2020

 Mom’s Cookies and the Term Paper

Turn your ear to wisdom … search for it as hidden treasure.

Proverbs 2:1, 4

Where’s that term paper? Christopher had used most of Saturday morning to turn his dorm room upside down to no avail. The paper was due in two weeks, and he needed to edit the final draft. All his notes were on that printed copy.

His cell phone interrupted his search. “Hi, Mom,” he said. “I don’t have time to talk.” On a hunch, he asked, “Do you remember seeing that term paper I showed you and Dad when you were here a couple weeks ago?”

“Christopher? Did you forget asking me about that Tuesday when we spoke? I told you I read it and gave it back. Maybe it’s under something in your apartment. Ask God where it is, honey.”

A holy lecture, great! “You ask Him, Mom!” he shot back. “I need to keep looking.”

She asked a meaning-filled question, “Did you take that box of cookies to church last Sunday?”

“Mom!” He was exasperated. “I need to find this paper … gotta go … love you.” And he hung up.

She glanced across the kitchen table at her husband as she closed the cell phone. He knew there was a story behind her grin. “Okay, what’s up?”

“Remember me asking Christopher if he’d been attending church during our last visit?” Getting an affirmative nod, she continued, “He told us he’s been attending regularly.” Another nod. “I decided to see how regularly.” There was a mischievous glint in her eye. “All he has to do is deliver those cookies. I laid the box on the kitchen counter … right on top of the paper he’s searching for. He’s got another week before it’s due. If he doesn’t call by tomorrow evening, I’ll give him a call.”

Church fellowship is critical. Of much importance is the godly wisdom to be found there. Separation from that fellowship causes spiritual slippage.

God gave us moms; they are priceless and wise beyond their children’s years! Many a return from the separation of such a necessary relationship can be attributed to mothers as they pray and attempt to guide their wayward children.

Regardless of age, we can benefit from listening to our mothers’ hidden treasure.


“Help me place godly wisdom high on the ladder of importance in my life, Lord. Amen.”

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