Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 Defending the Weak

Defend the cause of the weak … and oppressed.

Psalm 82:3

Marla sat in the corner of the lunchroom, away from the other kids. She was unpopular and constantly reviled by her peers.

Teresa hated the insensitivity of her classmates. Angered by their actions, she began sitting with Marla, which in turn, caused them to turn on her, too.

During an exceptionally unpleasant day, Marla asked her, “Why do you stick up for me? Now they make fun of you as much as they do me.”

“For a couple reasons,” Teresa said. “One: what they’re doing is wrong. Two: they’re ganging up on you. I refuse to let you stand against them alone. As far as I know, you’ve never done anything to deserve their ridicule. Besides”—she leaned closer—”something inside me burns when bullies attack in groups.”

“But don’t they hurt? You know, the words and gestures?” Marla asked. “Aren’t you afraid?”

Teresa said, “Sure, it hurts when they call us names and make those vile gestures. But I’m not afraid.” She saw Marla’s eyebrows rise. “Marla, don’t get me wrong, I don’t like it. They’re cowards masquerading as thugs. But I don’t get my affirmation from them. I get it from God. I’m not afraid because God has given me peace about it. Yes, the words hurt. But I’m not who they say I am and neither are you. I know that because of God’s loving encouragement. He protects my heart from their insensitivity. God loves them too and wants them to change. Until they do, He’s asked me to take a stand against small-minded people.”

Without exception, we have all been bullies and been bullied. Someone or something has paid the price of our insecurity, receiving undue ridicule, or we ourselves have been on the receiving end.

Defending the rights of the weak is everyone’s responsibility. Yet fear of man prevents many of us from taking the necessary action. It can be uncomfortable, unpleasant work standing up for someone not directly involved in our life.

When faced with injustice, ask yourself: “If this were my sister, my brother, or my child, would I stand aside and do nothing?”


“Lord, may I never again be the oppressor. Help me to always defend the rights of those who are weak and oppressed. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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