Thursday, November 5, 2020

 Resolved in Christ

For I resolved to know nothing … except Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 2:2

“Your brother never shuts up about Jesus!” Peyton complained.

“Why should that bother you?” Chase asked, wondering what brought this up.

“He embarrasses me, constantly asking people where they’re planning to spend eternity!” She was more than a little agitated.

“Nathanial is a good man, Peyton. He believes that our chances of dying are one hundred percent and that we live on spiritually in either heaven or hell. He wants to take as many people to heaven as he can. Asking people about eternity is his effort to do that.”

“Well, I don’t like it!” she stated.

Chase saw his date in a new light. It appeared she really couldn’t comprehend Nathanial’s actions. Did she really believe what she professed, salvation and eternal life in Jesus Christ?

“So let me get this straight.” Chase was beginning to have his own doubts but not about Jesus. “You say you believe in Jesus, but you don’t want to be around when the good news of the gospel is being shared?”

“That’s not what I’m saying!” she responded defensively. “I just don’t believe it’s appropriate to talk about such a personal issue unless you’re asked.”

“So how does that work exactly?” Chase asked incredulously. “I mean, if we don’t talk about Jesus, how are we going to find out if they know Him?” There was an awkward moment, and Chase said, “I agree we need to reach out in love, Peyton. But we have a responsibility to reach out.”

“Well, I, for one, have no intention of offending people by badgering them about their beliefs.” The finality of her statement shocked Chase. This would be their last date.

There are doubtless more Peytons than Nathanials in the world. But we should not lose heart. Paul was but one man and look at the impact he is still having for the kingdom of Christ!

The truth is that in order to have any measurable impact for Jesus, we must resolve to know Him so intimately that we no longer worry about what the world thinks when we ask the question, ‘Where are you planning to spend eternity?’


“Help me be bold, Lord. Help me care less about being embarrassed than allowing others to perish. I ask this in Your Name, Jesus, amen.”

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