Wednesday, November 4, 2020

 Age Doesn’t Matter

God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved.

1 Timothy 2:3, 4

Beth had steeled herself against a day like this. Five months pregnant and holding her three-year-old daughter’s hand, she gazed at her husband’s coffin one last time. You could almost hear her heart. You weren’t supposed to go yet!

Aaron had been thirty-one when he died tragically, leaving them to carry on alone. He’d been a good man. There had been about him a charismatic charm; his smile was disarming; his gracious attitude sincere. He was well liked and deeply loved.

Aaron just couldn’t seem to escape evil’s grip. And on that New Year’s Eve, after ringing in hope for the future, it cost him his life.

Beth had spoken at the funeral. She wanted everyone to understand the reality of not being guaranteed our next breath.

She spoke openly about Aaron’s faith in God; his asking Jesus into his heart, and his love of family. “Although we may believe we have all the time in the world, it’s a fleeting hope. You see,” she pleaded, “age doesn’t matter. At thirty-one, Aaron thought he would live forever. But death respects no one, regardless of age or station in life. When we die, our eternity is set in stone.”

She challenged those in attendance to “make a choice for Jesus today, before that choice is revoked in death. I am compelled to ask; if you die today, where will you spend your eternity?” And with that, she took her seat.

Studies show that in the short time it takes to read today’s devotion, some twelve hundred people have died. Most, if not all, had no idea death was coming. Sadly, only an approximate seven percent of them went to heaven.

That means if these statistics are correct, 1,116 deaths unnecessarily ended in the penalty of eternal separation from God in hell.

God wants none to perish. Sadly, a great many do. So knowing how unforeseen death can be, can we elect to put off a choice so critical?

Poor choices can hasten preventable death. If you have never made Jesus Lord and Savior, please take this moment to assure yourself eternal life.


“Forgive the sin in my life, Jesus. Please come into my heart and lead me into a loving relationship with You. Amen.”

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