Friday, November 27, 2020


Praise be to … God … he has given us new birth … through the resurrection of Jesus Christ …

1 Peter 1:3

It was in the cold predawn of Thanksgiving Day that found Jack poised to forget about the festivities scheduled for later that day. This must have been what Ebenezer Scrooge felt like.

Jack had been up all night. The routine was always the same: cough violently for two to three hours, spitting up blood several times during the coughing fits. He’d been dealing pretty well with these episodes up until last night. This one had lasted almost five hours; he was exhausted. It’s only been two weeks since the last episode. Why so soon? he wondered. And why on Thanksgiving? Are You testing my thank-o-meter? he asked God.

Actually, the episodes had been pretty regular, one every three or four months. So, to have another one so soon brought concern as he contemplated the possibilities. Several reasons came to mind, but the one that prevailed was it’s getting worse. His doctors had told him that at some point symptoms would accelerate and then things would happen pretty fast. Give me grace for today, Lord. Give me a heart of gladness instead of gloom.

If this was to be his last Thanksgiving, Jack was determined to make it one of the most thank-filled days of his life.

There are enough negative things to focus on in the world to allow us to live in despair, cursing the day. But because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we can choose to live a life of victory, reminded that this is not our home. He took care of all our tomorrows, and someday soon we will be with Him in heaven.

This world is a temporal place; it is not our home. And we have the promise of life beyond our pain. What we deal with today is real, and sometimes it stinks. But we can maintain a thankful heart in the midst of our struggles if we lay claim to a permanent life in Christ.

The greatest reason for our Thankstobegiven is Salvation unto eternal life. Once received, nothing can take it away!


“I don’t want to whine, Lord. Keep me focused on things to be thankful for. May I always be filled with thanks because of the gift of Your Son! In His Name, amen.”

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