Tuesday, April 2, 2024

 We Can Expect a Complete Recovery

April 2

I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.

Psalm 57:1

A sickening snap could be heard above the noise in the crowded gymnasium. Amy grabbed her leg, severe pain evident on her face. The conspicuous bulge below her right knee gave mute testimony that the leg was badly broken. 

While teammates and coach watched from a few feet away, team trainers tended to the injured girl. Mom and Dad had been courtside and now hurried to Amy’s side. EMTs took her vitals, stabilized the leg in a temporary air splint, and loaded Amy into a waiting ambulance to the crowd’s empathetic applause.

Amy was transported to the local hospital where surgery was required to mend the break. After removing tiny bone splinters, they reset the break by realigning the jagged edges and placing surgical screws through the bone. They finished by placing the leg in a cast. 

There had been no complications; the break would heal just fine. Amy would be on crutches for eight weeks and then placed in a walking cast. They could expect a complete recovery.

We would never leave a broken leg unattended. Yet there are those who, for one reason or another, fail or refuse to admit to their broken spirit. It is God’s desire that we bring Him our brokenness.

When spiritual breakage occurs, it leaves jagged edges that rub together, causing scar tissue to form. Left unattended, our spirits cannot heal correctly. We live in turmoil, never finding the joy or peace promised us and possibly never realizing our full spiritual potential.

We live from our hearts; they must be safeguarded! When David was hurting, he took refuge in the shadow of God’s wing, allowing the threat to pass.

In the same way Amy’s broken bone was realigned, our broken spirit must also be brought into a position that will promote healing. We must seek refuge in Jesus Christ. The wound must be stabilized and given time to heal so it can bear weight again. Jesus says if we come to Him, we can expect a complete recovery.


“I don’t admit to this kind of pain easily, Lord. I don’t want people to know I am wounded. Help me put aside my foolish pride and begin the healing. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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