Saturday, April 20, 2024

 The Messenger

April 20

And no messenger is greater than the one who sent him.

John 13:16

Having gone over her notes for the umpteenth time, Gail looked out the window of the plane, focusing on nothing in particular. She was replaying Stephanie’s earlier words of encouragement, “Look, Gail. I know you can handle organizing the final stages of the event. There’s not that much left to do. It’s not life and death … well … okay, maybe spiritually, but you can’t do anything that will cause anyone coming to the conference to accept or reject Jesus; you’re just the messenger. You do your part—God will do the rest.”

The Women of Faith Conference was a week away, and Gail didn’t want to make any mistakes. “Lord, I need Your help. I would never want to cause anyone to miss her chance to meet You. Please guide my actions and help me bring glory to You.”

God’s response was almost immediate. The woman in the seat next to her happened to see Gail’s to-do list on her legal pad and asked, “I couldn’t help but see your notes. Is that conference open to anyone? I’ll be in town, and I’d love to come and see what it’s all about.”

The subsequent conversation found this stranger accepting Jesus as her Savior. As Gail deplaned, she was filled with the wonder of God. “He always knows how to reach me.”

Jesus’ disclosure to the apostles was, and is today, revelatory in nature. We are His messengers, ambassadors of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was, and always will be, His message unto salvation reaching for the lost. He alone is the power of the message. That should give us tremendous confidence and comfort knowing we are not held liable for someone’s response, only for taking every opportunity to share the message when it comes. When those moments arise, just remember Who sent you and tell them about Jesus. All of heaven stands in awe of the privilege given to the messenger.


“Show me who needs to hear Your gospel of love today, Jesus. Give me confidence to look for them instead of waiting for them to come to me. May I always remember the day I fell in love with You myself. Amen.”

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