Wednesday, April 3, 2024

 In the Fury of the Storm

April 3

I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm.

Psalm 55:8

Clarence watched in horror as the funnel cloud dropped from the sky. He turned and shouted to his wife, “Michelle, grab Christy and Tim and head for the basement. Now!” He took one more look before turning to join his family.

The twister was bouncing from point to point as if it were choosing specific geographical locations. Every time it touched down, debris was lifted skyward. The closer it came, the darker the funnel got. Clarence stood, paralyzed by the awesome display of destruction.

“Clarence? What are you doing?” came Michelle’s anxious cry.

Snapped to his senses, Clarence descended through the basement door, pulling it closed as the updraft threatened to rip it from his grasp. Descending the stairs two at time, he forced a measure of calm to his voice and said, “Over to the corner. Take this blanket and cover up under the workbench.” 

As they huddled beneath the meager protection, Clarence began reciting the Twenty-third Psalm. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me … ” 

As the family joined him, the storm raged above. They could feel the house shake and hear windows breaking. Through it all, they would remember the peace that surrounded them in the fury of the storm.

God’s promise to us is a place of shelter away from the storms of life. He does not promise we won’t experience trouble, only that in the midst of the storms we can find peace and comfort beyond what the world has to offer.

Our response in times of crisis determines whether we will continue to be tormented or receive strength from above. Just as Clarence was mesmerized by the power of the tornado, we too can be held in a dangerous place longer than we intend. And like Michelle’s cry, David urges us to take shelter from the storm. He’s telling us to hurry and not delay in fleeing from our pursuers.


“Storms come upon me so quickly, Lord. Help me see the clouds before the tempest is upon me. Rescue me from my enemies, for I am in need of Your strength. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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