Sunday, April 14, 2024

 When He Calls

April 14

And this is love; that we walk in obedience to his commands.

2 John 6

Clay sensed God calling him to assume a more prominent role in Dennis’s life, so he took Dennis up on his job offer. Currently in the midst of a writing project, he felt he could handle both. Three months into his new position, he was experiencing writer’s block. 

He couldn’t seem to silence the marketing voices at the end of the workday and recover the writer once again. Unable to formulate even a single sentence, his writing had come to a standstill. The sales position wasn’t providing enough income to justify staying on, yet this wasn’t about the money; this was about Dennis. Since the writing project had also been commissioned by God, Clay struggled over what to do.

After praying for revelation, Clay realized that God wanted him in close proximity to Dennis for now, mentoring and nurturing him. So, out of obedience, he would stay on with Dennis, and the book could wait. Clay had learned through experience to trust God. He knew that if and when God wanted the book completed, He would fan the flames of literary creativity. His task right now was to be God’s voice in Dennis’ life.

Spiritual flexibility is one mark of spiritual maturity.

There will be times when God will ask us to drop what we’re doing just to see if we’ll obey. This can be a frustrating experience for someone who is rigid in their faith, especially if there are no open lines of spiritual communication.

Knowing what God wants at any given moment requires talking with Him. Trusting Him enough to let ourselves be moved from one assignment to another requires faith and an even temperament. These are virtues gained through experience.

As our children grow, they are given opportunities to learn the benefits of obedience. Some lessons come hard-learned. We can almost hear God whisper, “But don’t you love it when they respond immediately when you call?”


“Lord, sometimes I don’t do spontaneous very well. Help me submit my will and life to Yours. Show me what today’s right thing is. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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